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Someone with loadsa money PLEASE open a gay bar in Sheffield!!

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Originally posted by nick2

Blimey, you must be as ancient as me if you remember The Albert (and it's illegal imigrant strippers on Sunday night)


More ancient! I'm 58, and I think you're around 36 if I recall correctly. I used to write the quizzes for The Albert. Once took a straight friend of mine from Derbyshire to The Albert quiz night. He hadn't a clue it was a gay venue until we were leaving, and I had to point it out to him. It was just such a good atmosphere in The Albert. Go to Xes - and risk being deafened by the music volume and go hoarse with trying to shout over it.


On reflection, take no notice of me - I must be getting old!

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i appreciate what you have said skyfitsboy but as has been proved with VIP and other gay nights in sheffield people rant they want all these things then don't bother going!


sheffields gay scene is backward to say the least when people would rather goto dempseys xcess etc than a nice bar on west st for example

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Originally posted by skyfitsboy

I knew this thread would attract a comment like this.


No way would I feel comfortable kissing my boyfriend in any of the so-called mixed bars in Sheffield.


If your ideal night out is stood snogging and groping your boyfriend thats fine, but not everyone is into that, personally I like to save the physical affection for when I get home, but thats just me.


BTW I'm not madly keen on straight couples sharing spit in a pub either.

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Originally posted by nick2

If your ideal night out is stood snogging and groping your boyfriend thats fine, but not everyone is into that, personally I like to save the physical affection for when I get home, but thats just me.


BTW I'm not madly keen on straight couples sharing spit in a pub either.


Nick, I am confused by your post.


You might not be madly keen on affection in public, but there are those who don't think anything of it - straight or gay.


I can't say I've never had a snog in a bar - can you?


You seem to want a kind of bar where gay people can go with their 'significant other' and blend in. I hope one day gay bars are not needed because being gay is seen by the masses as as normal as being straight is. Unfortunately we don't live in these times yet, although things seem to be getting better. I would welcome a place in Sheffield that is classy, and that isn't filled with ignorant idiots who want to kick my head in because I show affection to another man.


Anyone who actually knows me on the forum in 'real life' will tell you that I don't have many gay friends; not by choice, but because I tend to make friends with people I meet if we get on, regardless of sexuality.


I don't want to see segregation; I don't want to create gay ghettos either. I just want to be able to do what the majority do without feeling that I am 'out of step'. To be able to go on a date without feeling like folk are staring, and actually being able to give someone the eye without wondering who is waiting for me outside would be a nice thing.


As I said before, I'd love to do all this alongside everyone else in a mainstream bar. Until that day comes, I'd like somewhere to go that isn't in a run-down back-street where I can enjoy a pint and a decent chat.


You make it clear in your posts that you are in a long term relationship; good for you! For those of us that aren't, spare a thought what it must be like! :|

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Originally posted by Kristian

Nick, I am confused by your post.


You might not be madly keen on affection in public, but there are those who don't think anything of it - straight or gay.


I can't say I've never had a snog in a bar - can you?


What I meant was I don't feel the urge to shove my sexuality down peoples thoats (:))

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I failed to post earlier even though I saw the thread and felt an opinion brewing...but because I am NOT gay... although... I have gay friends I just thought it best left to those in the know to post....


However, now (after a bottle of wine) I would like to say 'fine' to more gay venues in Sheffield and Yes it would be nice for those who wish to be with people of the same sexuality but that would be like opening bars for women only ...bars for men only.... bars for couples only ....for me the way forward now that homosexual relationships are generally more accepted by the up and growing generations is integration into the general social areas...I saw two blokes holding hands walking through Graves Park last week...so what...I wasn't offended by that at all....I think by having specific 'gay bars' just reinforces homophobic attitudes.


Just my opinion....no offence intended at all!




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Originally posted by nick2

I too have had several glasses of wine, and I'm just not saying what I want to say because I can't put it into words.


well I would suggest you try....;) it's better owt than in even if it don't make sense to us lot!



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To open a gay bar is wrong, gays male or female should be able to live like everyone else and not hid away like dirt, people have to face up to the fact that times have changed. I know gay people and they dont bother me, after all we are all human.

And b4 you ask, no im not gay, live and let live life is too short.

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Nothing wrong with opening more Gay bars and clubs in Sheffield it is the 21 century after all. But can't we all just meet someone we love in any old club or fancy or wanna go home with ;)

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