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Geek News and Reviews


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Is anyone here interested in doing some short online reviews of geek related things (movies, games, tv shows, books, games).


I'm starting up a new website and am now looking for more writers. The reviews need only to be 200 words maximum (60 second review), but it would be a great way for a new writer to get some feedback on their work.


This is a non-paying offer, but all contributors get a generous discount on geek-related goodies the site sells.


PM me for more details.

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Up with geeks! I am proud to call myself geek and happy to share my thoughts... but are you just talking geek as in sci-fi and computer games or the wider geek population (my definition covers virtually any borderline obsessive interest and is not limited to the classic spotty and pale teenage boy!). Is your website set up already to have a look at?

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Thanks to everyone who replied. We have a basic trial info website, which I'll send out by PM to all that said they were interested.


You can have a nosey and see if it's the kind of think you're interested in.

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Hi there


Just had a quick nosey at the site. Looks good, I'd definitely like to get involved somehow. Unfortunately, what with the other stuff I'm involved in, it might not be anything more than writing a few bits here and there, but I'd love to do it all the same.



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It's really a sort of ad hoc thing. I already have a team of professional writers, but wanted to open it up to everyone on SF :)


You could submit one article a month (or less) if you wanted...

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