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The Warehouse Project moving to Sheffield?

Misty 8T

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I was told the 'secret guest' was 'ill'. And not Ill in the Beastie Boys sense. Poorly, unable to attend, not there.


And Dan, if I'd had that response I would have pointed out that the price tag reflects a 'big name' guest and I would expect the same for the money. £8-£10 for local DJs you can see in any club on any given weekend for a lot less? Hmmm. Talented though they are, they were meant to be the supporting cast.

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I totally agree Chris. Obviously I can't sit here and slag them off because a) I didn't go and b) I'm a promoter and don't want people thinking we're bitching about other nights. £8-£10 is pretty expensive especially when you consider Chris Duckenfield was on at SAWA for FREE on the same night...


After all the 'at least their doing something different' talk I think it's a real shame to see people who attended so upset by it all. I'd like to ask James, Mark, Liam et al who played how much they got paid?! At the end of the day, with that kind of money being taken on the door you'd expect them to get a fairly decent reward... It does make you wonder if it was all just a money spinner?


Wonder if they'll do another and if so how that will do???


At least this thread has provided us all with some kind of entertainment! It's like a Sheffield clubbing soap opera!

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I can't see another one happening! How could you convince people to go after that debacle? I walked past on my way home from DJing, was about 1am - nobody around except a couple of door staff outside.


Not really any of my business who got paid I guess but it does raise the question of what all the money was for? Basics birthday party is only £2 more and they've got Ivan Smagge and Andrew Weatherall headlining.


Anyway, we'll see, I agree it's a shame for the peeps who had faith and paid their money, but it's a shame for Sheffield too as this could have done something really positive.

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I supported the Sheffield scene in no way whatsoever by going to Leeds (not Sheffield) to see Jeff Mills, from Detroit (not Sheffield) and paid 18.50 for my ticket. Considering I only paid 8.50 more than if I had gone to the Steel City Experiment and got to see probably the best three hours of music I've ever witnessed in my life which sadly would just be impossible in Sheffield I feel I did the right thing.

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I supported the Sheffield scene in no way whatsoever by going to Leeds (not Sheffield) to see Jeff Mills, from Detroit (not Sheffield) and paid 18.50 for my ticket. Considering I only paid 8.50 more than if I had gone to the Steel City Experiment and got to see probably the best three hours of music I've ever witnessed in my life which sadly would just be impossible in Sheffield I feel I did the right thing.




Why doesn't Steel City Experiment get on here and defend itself!? I think thats what we all want really isn't it?


We should make some cardboard signs and go on a protest march outside SCE HQ chanting WE WANT ANSWERS! Anyone...?

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