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Tinnitus Vs Asylum - Teknoist - FRI 10/07 - Redhouse

Gabba Panda

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Summer is usually a time when the clubs go quiet, people bugger off on holiday or to a festival, and things, whist pleasant, are rather tame. Well, sod that frankly. We reckon Sheffield needs a decent bit of heads-down, sweat-off-the-ceiling, pounding pounding POUNDING pubrave action. So, almost inevitably, the almighty Tinnitus and the just as great Asylum are having a party, together like. You should come!


Tinnitus & Asylum present:


The Teknoist & Chums


Friday 10 July 2009


The Red House, Solly St, Sheffield


The Teknoist – LIVE – Sheffield Exclusive (Ninja Columbo/ Deathchant / Ad Noiseam / Planet Mu / Peace Off / Death$ucker /Sustained Records/ Rebelscum)


If he didn’t make such good music then there a lot of things we could say about The Teknoist (heritage, location etc – all complimentary, obviously), but since he’s such a nails producer, we won’t. He’s yet another one of those UK music makers who defies genre, and defies in style; he touches upon HCT, badass DnB and simply rough-as-**** electronica in his seminal (and manic) live sets, and he runs Ninja Columbo, which is an incredible record label. Expect to be gob-struck – nothing less.


Support comes from a bunch of, to be frank, reprobates. How any of them got the money to buy decks in the first place without selling their backsides (not that that would get them anywhere fast) is frankly beyond knowing. Good thing they’re such badass DJs then eh?


MacheeN Boi(Substance/Sustained Records)

N:Vision (Asylum/Endless)

Distorted Panda (Tinnitus)

Sinista Tek (Tinnitus/Dissonance)


Doors 10 while 3.


Tax £4 NUS or before 11/£5 otherwise.


Sound on by the Feedback rig.


myearsarebleeding.co.uk / myspace.com/asylumsheffield / Facebook

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