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What's Napoleans casino like?

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If that is the case it sort of makes my piont for me.




I'm aware of these things but it took me all of a moment to work out how much the punters were losing. That seemed to be a little more than the punters could see.

The point about the fee refreshment stands. It keeps the idiots at the tables so they can give more cash to the casino.

Anyone that can't see that has to be stupid.


You misguided superiority complex comes shining through as per usual!


Has it occurred to you that the people in there might be aware that the free drinks are to make then stay longer? It also makes their stay more enjoyable...


Oh, for everyone to be as observant and intellectually brilliant as you..



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i have been to napoleons on eccy rd and hillsborough, if your looking for a good night thats not just about the tables then go to hillsborough - to me its a better atmosphere in the bar etc as its on the same floor as the tables. on eccy road the bar is upstairs so if your not a gambler like me then you just have to sit and watch your friends loose!


as for people who go in being idiots i would disagree to a point. some can go in spend all night, have a drink and gamble a 10ner but to some it is an addiction, that is how the house wins. if you win in there you put money back to win more, but you usually loose and when you loose you put more in to make it back, loose again.

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