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Owing to a technical hitch...A Question of political identity


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Owing to a technical hitch…


TRANSLATION: Mantaspook pressed the wrong button :rolleyes: - sorry about that once again, Hopman.


I liked this story, it's quite funny and I only realised towards the end who the mysterious man was. Doh! I think I need more coffee…


There are some good topical jokes in there but my favourite section was when he tried to phone the office and the TV kept changing channels. :hihi:


Glad to see you opted for subtlety, I would have gone for the obvious 'Blackadder' joke when the chancellor phones "Oh Hello Darling….No I haven't seen your calculator…can't you borrow Peters?...what do you mean 'he won't play?' "etc.


Or the waiter greeting Lionel Blair and 'Broon' diving under the table.


Or the waiter offering him a sherry (Cherie) prior to been turned into a pillar of salt.


With a bit of polishing, perhaps making the policeman's tone more 'official', I could imagine reading something like this in the police review magazine.


Very enjoyable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice one Hopman, I like the innuendos, it keeps the old grey matter active, :confused:. I think the only line I would change is...


If all that copro should fall into the wrong hands, and the press get their teeth into it, why, there’ll be a lot of people with egg on their faces.”


If all that copro should fall into the wrong hands, and the press get their teeth into it, then the s*** will hit the fan.


Great stuff. :thumbsup:

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If all that copro should fall into the wrong hands, and the press get their teeth into it, why, there’ll be a lot of people with egg on their faces.”


If all that copro should fall into the wrong hands, and the press get their teeth into it, then the s*** will hit the fan.



Thank you for your comments.

The idea of the "egg on face" was to continue the references to body parts (hands..teeth...faces) and reinforce the previous references. I am sure there is a technical term for this triplet technique.

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