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Pop Tarts Sheffield Students Union..a Review

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I offer a review of POP TARTS done by a friend of mine, herself a student, so it comes as a bit of a surprise to me she chose her words as follows....


"It was with strange anticipation of beered up male students yelling abuse at each other, and vomiting continuously in the toilets.....naturally, we were not disappointed, when entering the venue at 1130 we were faced with a wall of 1200 students all in a total state of complete inebriation, to the point of being "totally ******ed" I think the expression is....lovely. expecting nothing but "totally ******ed" chavvie male students and handbag waving girlies showing their knickers out the top (and bottom) of their faded denim 3" depth skirts


Groups of 20 pints of stella men leered at the "tottie" on the dancefloor, where handbag clad female students shook their booty to a diet of Kylie and Chesney hawks, interpersed with the odd Abba and Bee G's. It was impossible to navigate to any kind of space whereby you could avoid having lager slopped down your neck, or hit in the face with bottles of VK being shaken by cumbersome and restricted dancing attempts. My attenpt at a venture on the dancefloor was marred by a group of "******ed" sports club students chanting a football song at a crowd of female "totty"......half a pint of Stella slopped down my shoulder which was decidely warm, smelly and possibly past its best.


The bars were 10 rows deep all night, the female toilets were drenched in vomit of all colours and textures. The corridor between the 2 rooms was a never ending trail of staggering, vomiting students, several of whom collapsed midway to the toilet in a steaming pile of vomit, and two others had wet themselves and lay on the floor soaking up their own urine. And that was just the women!!!!!!! The men were so slaughtered and chav like they could not do anything but groan loudly and pass 'mating calls' to the opposite or same sex along the line sof "get em off you fat tart", or as I was treated to the verbal delight by one inebriated chav in a vomit stained white shirt, to "**** me I want to **** your ****** tits of you **** whore". I declined the attention of this intellectually barren gentlemen, who sported a leathered face, bright red and dripping with Stella, and who seemed unable to stop foaming at the mouth between slurping his Stella collection.


I would like to say it was a cultured, mellowed out and cool clubnight, but not able to do so. If this is where the happy people go, then they might perhaps try drinking less than 50 bottles of VK, or 20 pints of Stella: At least they might be able to navigate to the toilets and not projectile vomit across the floors and walls of the venues.......needless to say it was a fairly normal night for students....well 99% of students!!"



My comment is, well actually it was a refreshing change from the City centre (or is it?) but dont tell her that!!!!!

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jeeze ... doesn't it sound totally and utterly revolting?


I suppose these are some of the same people that attack firemen after sending out a false alarm, caused fun occasions like the Pyjama Jump to be cancelled and couldn't be bothered with Rag Week .... the finest flower of our future .... :help:

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Originally posted by goldenfleece

I offer a review of POP TARTS done by a friend of mine, herself a student, so it comes as a bit of a surprise to me she chose her words as follows....


"It was with strange anticipation of beered up male students yelling abuse at each other, and vomiting continuously in the toilets.....naturally, we were not disappointed, when entering the venue at 1130 we were faced with a wall of 1200 students all in a total state of complete inebriation, to the point of being "totally ******ed" I think the expression is....lovely. expecting nothing but "totally ******ed" chavvie male students and handbag waving girlies showing their knickers out the top (and bottom) of their faded denim 3" depth skirts


Groups of 20 pints of stella men leered at the "tottie" on the dancefloor, where handbag clad female students shook their booty to a diet of Kylie and Chesney hawks, interpersed with the odd Abba and Bee G's. It was impossible to navigate to any kind of space whereby you could avoid having lager slopped down your neck, or hit in the face with bottles of VK being shaken by cumbersome and restricted dancing attempts. My attenpt at a venture on the dancefloor was marred by a group of "******ed" sports club students chanting a football song at a crowd of female "totty"......half a pint of Stella slopped down my shoulder which was decidely warm, smelly and possibly past its best.


The bars were 10 rows deep all night, the female toilets were drenched in vomit of all colours and textures. The corridor between the 2 rooms was a never ending trail of staggering, vomiting students, several of whom collapsed midway to the toilet in a steaming pile of vomit, and two others had wet themselves and lay on the floor soaking up their own urine. And that was just the women!!!!!!! The men were so slaughtered and chav like they could not do anything but groan loudly and pass 'mating calls' to the opposite or same sex along the line sof "get em off you fat tart", or as I was treated to the verbal delight by one inebriated chav in a vomit stained white shirt, to "**** me I want to **** your ****** tits of you **** whore". I declined the attention of this intellectually barren gentlemen, who sported a leathered face, bright red and dripping with Stella, and who seemed unable to stop foaming at the mouth between slurping his Stella collection.


I would like to say it was a cultured, mellowed out and cool clubnight, but not able to do so. If this is where the happy people go, then they might perhaps try drinking less than 50 bottles of VK, or 20 pints of Stella: At least they might be able to navigate to the toilets and not projectile vomit across the floors and walls of the venues.......needless to say it was a fairly normal night for students....well 99% of students!!"



My comment is, well actually it was a refreshing change from the City centre (or is it?) but dont tell her that!!!!!


Ah, its nice to see somethings never change :D

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Originally posted by robbie

Ah, its nice to see somethings never change :D


That's just what I was going to write!! Graduated in 92 but it seems identical to any student club night I ever went to.


Plus Ca Change.... :D

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It's true, cheesy student nights ming! Having said that, I don't think you can write of the whole union because of pop tarts. Nights like 'the Tuesday club' and 'Stuffed olives' are quality and have a much more interesting crowd that don't tend to distribute vomit all over the building.

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I am reliably informed by my student friend that FRIDAY night disco in the Octagon is just as bad. But other nights do have a touch of class about them. Cant speak for the Tuesday club, but FUZZ club is generally fine, completely different breed of students who seem to have grasped the concept that guzzling 20 pints of Stella in 3 hours is not always the most intelligent way to experience a night club! Much better vibe.....


I suggest the makers of BOOZE BRITAIN show pay a visit to POP TARTS, they could certainly round up a motley crew of vomiting Stellaheads bragging about how many casks of ale they have put away in the last 7 days......


I actually thought WEST STREET was more refined than POP TARTS......even the rowdiest places seem calm in comparison. Geenrally in pubs or clubs even you dont get wall to wall vomiting? If there is one thing students get a first degree with honours in, its drinking!! I am sure they could outdrink even the most in-training, seasoned professional West street drinker!

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Originally posted by Andy78

It's true, cheesy student nights ming! Having said that, I don't think you can write of the whole union because of pop tarts. Nights like 'the Tuesday club' and 'Stuffed olives' are quality and have a much more interesting crowd that don't tend to distribute vomit all over the building.


Hear hear. TC and Fuzz club are where reasonable students go to get away from the drunken rabble!

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