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Pop Tarts Sheffield Students Union..a Review

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Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut.


FACT: I work at Sheffield Uni Students Union


FACT: You ceased to be the Pop Tarts DJ 7 years ago, therefore

FACT: Jealousy is a terrible thing

FACT: Pop Tarts has sold out EVERY WEEK (except 2) for 3.5 years

FACT: the review you submitted was for the last Pop Tarts after exams finished, when even students just might be a little bit tipsy.


Get over it, move on.....

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Originally posted by robbie

I sort of agree with what you are saying. However, ion a night like poptarts its always been the same.


Yeah - I'm going back further than Pop Tarts - but even then, things do keep getting worse and worse...

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Originally posted by Dollyblade

Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut.


FACT: I work at Sheffield Uni Students Union


FACT: You ceased to be the Pop Tarts DJ 7 years ago, therefore

FACT: Jealousy is a terrible thing

FACT: Pop Tarts has sold out EVERY WEEK (except 2) for 3.5 years

FACT: the review you submitted was for the last Pop Tarts after exams finished, when even students just might be a little bit tipsy.


Get over it, move on.....




FACT..I left 8 years ago in 1997. I left working for the Union as I moved on to much bigger and better things at the Leadmill, and other clubs, plus did a lot of work abroad for a number of years. It was time for a change in September 1997 as I had been doing that event for three years and I wanted out... I quit POP TARTS in August 1997 of my own free will and was offered the Union Friday night Octagon event, then called SHACK. I turned that down as well as I had a better offer from a well known City Centre club . "Jealousy" has never been an issue. If you offered me £1000 PW to work that night I would laugh........outgrown the DJ thing now, easier ways to make money.


FACT: May I remind you that it was ME who launched the first ever POP TARTS in September 1994 in the days when it was NOT full of vomit clad chav students!! It is only, and I repeat ONLY thanks to my work over 3 years as DJ at the original Pop Tarts in association with the then entertainments Manager STeve Homer, that it became the legend that it is now!!!



FACT: The event changed its name from MRS T's BIG NIGHT OUT which was on Wednesdays, and took a big risk on running on Saturday nights, as the Union had not had a saturday night disco for many many years.


FACT: It was the ents Manager and myself who devised the music policy, and discussed the name POP TARTS in the late Summer of 1994 before it was launched officially. We agreed the winning formula would be merging the LOVE BUG 70's Union night with the MRS T's night, with 2 rooms, renaming the whole Saturday night POP TARTS. The original music playlists, (far superior to what is played now) was devised exclusively by me, and featured main list of 100 songs which were rotated weekly with a formula to keep the dancefloor packed at all times.



FACT: In 1994/5 students used to Q for tickets to POP TARTS on Sunday morns when they first went on sale 6 days ahead of the next event.


FACT, it is rarely SOLD OUT now before the end of the week, most of the time tickets are still available Saturday evenings.


FACT, students use to trade POP TARTS tickets in BAR one for up to £12 a head in 1994/5 when they had a cover price of £1.25. These days you can give them away......


FACT: Students have not Q'd to buy tickets a week in advance since 1995/6.


FACT....more people actually wanted to go to PT in 94/5/6 than they do now as they were desperate for tickets the moment they were made avilable, Noon on Sundays.


FACT: Point taken about the exam special pop tarts, I had not realized all the exams were over at that time, not being a student these days. However all reports of the event in the last few years have been dire, and not dis-similar to the event which I submitted a review on this forum.


FACT: The review was NOT written by me but by my student girlfriend, who had not been before, please get your facts right

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Bleurgh - this took me right back to working at the union many many (many...) years ago.


They used to make us wear these tight little t-shirts saying "pop tarts" on them. It really wasn't the sort of night where you would want "tart" emblazoned across your chest. I can't even begin remember the number of blokes I had to threaten to clobber!


With hindsight, I wish I'd done a bit more clobberin'...

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  • 4 years later...

I was at Sheffield Uni from '99 until 2004 and used to love going to pop tarts on a saturday night. You had to have had a few drinks to enjoy it, but it was generally a fun atmosphere and an enjoyable part of the student experience. Yes there were some people that overdid the drinking, but it wasn't a huge vommit fest with people slurping beer all over each other.


To give an idea of the popularity of the night, it allways used to sell out a week in advance while I was a student. After a couple of years I had a good business going, buying up unwanted tickets and selling them on to people in Bar One that absolutely had to go to Pop Tarts at whatever cost. Some were happy to pay up to £20 for a ticket. Suffice to say my night out was usually paid for in its entirety by putting in a bit of work in Bar One earlier in the evening.

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