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Boarded up house off Granville Road

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If it's the house I'm thinking of, about 4 and a half years ago I went up there when I was working for the council.


Some people were doing some work on the building, and being nosey, I asked what was going on. They showed me around (it was in a terrible state inside) and told me that they were doing it up to use as a community centre. I think they said that they were planning to open in autumn 2001 (this was about July/August) and I remember thinking "blimey, they'll be lucky".


I didn't go up there for a while, but when I did, it was all boarded up again, so I don't know what happened.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes that house was a insurance company .. cornhill insurance were in it until they vacated the building years ago now! Then it was bought by members of the asian community who basically intend to make it a mosque complete with the ringing of a bell at various times of the day. Quite rightly local residents objected to the use and it was then applied for to be used as a community centre (mosque!) and basically it has gone on for years now. I personally think it would make a nice big old pub and restaurant Like Aunt Sally used to be near the Hallamshire hospital.


Hope that clears a few things up!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I live a stone's throw from this house. I know that the students who live in the residences on the other side of Granville Road would dearly love to see it turned into a pub - a couple of them came round door-to-door earlier this year canvassing opinion. Not possible, I believe. Here's the reason.

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Originally posted by parcher

When I go to work on the 21, heading into town, I pass a little road off Granville Road which has several really big houses with big grounds in front of them. One of them has been boarded up for at least the last 2 years. Does anyone know what it was and why it is boarded up?


next door to it is one of my customers he tells me its to be a mosque

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  • 2 years later...

I know the house i see it several times a week and often wonderd why some one hasnt something with it.

I for one would jump at the chance to live there doing it up would be a pleasure.

I was made homeless along with my daughter and a nephew back in january 2003 after scumbags set fire to my bungelow after over 21 other attacks on it (all reported to police but nothing was done about it)

The council offerd me a place in a hostel but not my daughter she was just 16 at the time and i said i couldt leave her on her own.

So i was told that being the case the homeless section couldnt and wouldnt help me.

We had to move to chesterfield into a friends 1 bed flat then were rehoused by the council.

I still cant get rehoused in sheffield dispite being disabled and partialy sighted.

So to see this beautifull house left to rot is a disgrace i wish i could afford to buy or rent it

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