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All you can eat.


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as if sheffield does not have enough massively fat people who eat until their stomachs drag across the floor........YUK!!!!!!!


So what you're saying, then, is that anyone who occasionally attends a buffet where the food doesn't run out and they can eat as much as they want - even birthday parties, wakes, christenings etc are all going to end up as "...massively fat people who eat until their stomachs drag across the floor........"


Never ever seen any massive fat gits at the local pub getting stuck into a meal? or in restaurants?


Funny really as I didn't see a single 'fatty' yesterday. Perhaps they just got stuck into the oodles of food they had at home instead.


Maybe there are more people with self control than you realise, eh? Maybe they just relaxed and took an hour to eat the same amount of food as someone who went to a posh restaurant put away in half that time. And just maybe some of the folks there only ate the veggie portions or the chicken.


Thanks for the warning about my impending obesity though.

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Sorry. What I meant was I rarely go home.:hihi:


I obviously looked in the window of Jumbos on the wrong day, or perhaps it was a special very fat people only event?? Anyway the combined weight of all the people in there would have equalled the Titanic........

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I obviously looked in the window of Jumbos on the wrong day, or perhaps it was a special very fat people only event?? Anyway the combined weight of all the people in there would have equalled the Titanic........
Maybe you did.


But then this thread is about Tay Barn's, not Jumbo's and as your comment about the fat people you saw in there has nothing to do with the place I'm refering to it has no bearing on what I am putting across in this thread.


Once again, there were no fat people in Tay Barn's when I was there yesterday.


There might have been in the Hilton, Wilkinson's, Meadowhall and even the Botanical Gardens, but once again, this thread isn't about the clientele of these places is it.


A pub car park full of drunken gits in S5 doesn't mean that the pub car parks in S11 are full of them as well does it.

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there are plenty of fat people in goldenfleeces pubs too.


not sure what relevance that has either.


Exactly, and with that in mind and ignoring all other places and their clientele problems, Tay Barn, the food and the experience was exactly as I described it to be yesterday when I visited there.

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I've been a few times, sometimes it was fantastic other times not so good, even down to really poor once when there were no clean plates or cutlery at all. Sundays are the busiest and that's when standards seem to slip, we've waited anything up to an hour for a table.


If I go out with my partner we would go to Dam House, Number 23, Canteen sort of places but if I have the kids and my parents with me and I don;t want to spend a fortune I know that everyone will find something they like to eat at Taybarns so I would go back without hesitation (except on a Sunday)

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Not all I am sure, but I wish I had taken a snap through the window of JUMBOS the other night, whichever night it was not sure, because it was just very fat people stuffing their faces with huge forkfuls ofjunk food, several of which could not get the food in their mouths fast enough!!!!!! I could live for a year on the amount I saw one family gobbling up, it looked like they had refilled their plates at least 10 times!!


You must have spent an awfully long time staring through the window to observe all of this. How can it "look" like one family had refilled their plate 10 times? How can you tell?


Disappointed in you Goldenfleece, your posts are normally way above this standard.

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