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Bradfield Road car park (Hillsborough) - charges and "fines"

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I park where i wish to without a worry,i know ppc's dont do court because they know they will lose.Like i said no properly defended cases have ever been won and never will be but then i KNOW what im talking about where as you dont and its obvious to any one who does know what they are talking about these cases did not follow the simple advice to ignore and talked themselfs into a court case and then didnt properly defend themselfs while there.

Its not about sideing with any one,its a matter of law and its clear you know sod all about that!


I haven't claimed to be any sort of expert on the issue. It wasn't even me that posted the link to the claim being won.


I can see however what sort of person you are and I hope that your car is clamped the next time you park wherever you like.


Once again, maybe you should contact the Rochdale SCC and let them know that they know sod all about the law, they stated quite clearly that a contract had been formed and breached, it didn't mention that this was dependant on corresponding with the parking company.

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I haven't claimed to be any sort of expert on the issue. It wasn't even me that posted the link to the claim being won.


I can see however what sort of person you are and I hope that your car is clamped the next time you park wherever you like.


Once again, maybe you should contact the Rochdale SCC and let them know that they know sod all about the law, they stated quite clearly that a contract had been formed and breached, it didn't mention that this was dependant on corresponding with the parking company.


how would anyone know a contract had been informed with the driver if the driver themselfs hadnt confessed?There is no obligation for the registered keeper to tell a ppc who was driving which is why its very very likely the DRIVER entered into dialog with the ppc which is why you DONT! You ignore these thugs who have no interest in parking matters just the proceeds.

As for being clamped,i never have been,but if it was to happen it takes only a few minutes to get a clamp off.Strangley ive never had a ticket either but live in hope :)

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Maybe they could just tow your car away, you probably wouldn't be quite so smug about your abuse of other peoples property then.


They cannot move your vehicle whilst someone is in it :)


And what makes you THINK it might be abuse of others property? You make it sound like all ppc tickets are justified,if they were then they would win all cases in court and all would be taken to court,this is not the case is it?They pray on idiots like you paying up charges that bear no resemblance to their losses and have no basis in law,not only that in most cases the paperwork issued is very much illegal,but you wouldnt know that would you?They will never see a penny from me but i look forward to them trying :)

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I got a ticket for parking at my local tesco in an area I shouldn't when snow hit and I couldn't see the markings OR signs


The ticket was a joke. They wanted me to fill in my credit card details and send it to a random PO BOX address.


Reading in more detail they'd only spelt PARKING FINE wrong in the terms. PARKNIG FINE.


Hey my spelling ain't great but am I sending you my details... er no!

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They cannot move your vehicle whilst someone is in it :)

Are you trying to claim that you only abuse parking facilities in order to sit in your vehicle?


And what makes you THINK it might be abuse of others property?

The fact that you keep saying you park where you like.

You make it sound like all ppc tickets are justified,if they were then they would win all cases in court and all would be taken to court,this is not the case is it?They pray on idiots like you paying up charges that bear no resemblance to their losses and have no basis in law,not only that in most cases the paperwork issued is very much illegal,but you wouldnt know that would you?They will never see a penny from me but i look forward to them trying :)

Whether the charges are justified or not is irrelevant to my point. You are parking somewhere you don't have permission to park, that's what makes me think that you are abusing the property of others.

They don't prey on me, I'm clever enough and honest enough not to park where I shouldn't. You apparently are only clever enough to avoid paying the penalty.

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