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Bradfield Road car park (Hillsborough) - charges and "fines"

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If they parked on your drive there would be a case to answer if there was no permission given (unlike car parks which, by definition, have implied permission).


i doubt it. surely if people can just walk into your house and squat in it with the police powerless to help then i can't see a driveway being any different. of course i doubt anyone would have the cheek to park on someone elses drive without permission and even a fine wouldn't be enforcable.

as for these private parking companies they should just drop the fine to what the council charge, i wonder if the people that complain they wont pay because of the price would still not pay up then

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Strictly speaking, if someone parks on your drive you can take them to (civil) court. Unfortunately, unless you incurred damage or hardship (and can prove it), then they owe you diddly-squat.


Your options are: put up a barrier (at which point they 'cause damage' when they remove it) or form a contract (although, unfortunately for the parking companies, this probably can't be achieved simply by putting up a sign). However, I've thought about this hard and decided that in the unlikely event that this occurs, I will leave a notice on the window screen informing the driver that the air may or may not have been let out of their tyres. This way I can cause inconvenience, without resorting to criminal damage.


P.S. Non-options are: Asking for an amount that is disproportionate (i.e. more than the cost of parking in such a location). Only councils/ police can do penalty charges.

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isn't. if theres an open window or door and they walk in theres nothing the police can do, it's a civil dispute. the homeowner then has to go to court to get them evicted, it's a stupid law but thats this country for you i guess


Wait wait wait, so if my neighbour leaves a window open I can climb in and wander their house, stand in front of their tv and generally be about the place, and a court order would be needed to remove me?


This has potential...

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We are getting sidetracked here.


This is a thread about parking in Hillsborough.


If I remember correctly this car park is free. Therefore they cannot issue you with any sort of speculative invoice. AKA a parking ticket or "fine". If they do simply ignore.


Private companies cannot issue fines.


End of.

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anyone who has paid these tickets i feel sorry for you but i got my own back i dint pay but i posted them 50 letters without a postage stamp and a smiley face on a blank piece of paper inside so they had to pay the postoffice £1.30 to get my letter see how they feel about paying for nothing

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