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Thieving from city centre fountain -Couldn't believe my eyes

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This keeps cropping up, what suggests they are poor rather than greedy?


The photo above shows some well fed well, clothed kids getting it while someone (perhaps their mother) looks on.


Maybe the mother cannot afford to buy them an ice cream? How greedy, hahahahahaha.

Edited by dutch
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Where were the ambassadors?


They've not existed for quite some time now.


---------- Post added 25-07-2016 at 10:46 ----------


We live in a society where execs help themselves to millions of bonuses from their fountains that belongs to shareholders. These poor people have better manners and take money that has been and still is discarded.



Since you persist in claiming that it's not theft, perhaps some examples will help you.




The police seem to think that these 'poor' gentlemen have committed theft.


If money that is intentionally thrown or put away belongs to the owner of where it has been put away then all parked cars in Sheffield technically belong to amey.

And what idiocy is this you're now writing? You think that parked cars have been abandoned? What point are you even trying to make? How did you even reach Amey? Do you think they own the public roads?

Money that is intentionally thrown into a fountain for charity belongs to the charity. Cars that are parked belong to the owner. How are you even confused about this?


---------- Post added 25-07-2016 at 10:58 ----------


Another example


Edited by Cyclone
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Cyclone you make me laugh, If I were to call the police that my wallet was stolen from the car they would care little and simply say to not leave it in the car next time. And there is a lot more in my wallet than in these fountains.

Next time send a text message to charity number for good luck and you will be charged weekly and you find out who the real greedy criminals are.


If you own money and care about it you must have learned that you need to protect it and use it wisefully. Why get upset over this fountain change? If you care about it simply don't put it in there or make your wish, throw it in, take it back out and put it somewhere safely like a mature responsible person would do with money.

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So you don't think it's theft if someone steals your wallet?


You claimed it wasn't theft. Now you seem to have changed your mind, but are trying to make out that you're still somehow correct on this issue.


Who's upset? I'm not upset, I'm just correcting you when you get it wrong. Does being wrong all the time upset you?

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So you don't think it's theft if someone steals your wallet?


You claimed it wasn't theft. Now you seem to have changed your mind, but are trying to make out that you're still somehow correct on this issue.


Who's upset? I'm not upset, I'm just correcting you when you get it wrong. Does being wrong all the time upset you?


If I left my wallet in plain view in the car I would consider it my own negligence and stupidity if it were taken. Why? Because I have been educated on how to responsibly keep that money in a safe place.


Just been to the fountains and did not see any signs anywhere, not even a sign telling people to stay out of the fountain. All streets in Sheffield have clear instructions on parking laws, should not be difficult to instruct people near the fountain on any laws but they don't.


It is a free world and everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. You would like to correct me and tell me I am wrong. I fully agree with you that the change taking is something we prefer not to happen and I also would rather see the money go to charity. But if someone takes it I blame shortcomings in society, not the person who takes it.

Edited by dutch
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Since you persist in claiming that it's not theft, perhaps some examples will help you.




The police seem to think that these 'poor' gentlemen have committed theft.


No. They don't.

Edited by cgksheff
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And what did they have to say about the legality of helping oneself?


It is theft isn't it ?

Pure and simple.

However it appears that there are some people who think it is okay to help themselves to the money in the fountain.

Now it is time for SCC to put up a sign to inform those who don't know any better that the money in the fountain IS given for charity and they really shouldn't take anything that doesn't belong to them - just to spell it out to those who have no morals and absolutely no idea how to behave in a civilised society.

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