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Weirdos in pubs...


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This really annoys me. We had a lad tonight in the pub who thought it was fine to go and sit with 2 girls and just stare at them. It basically ended up with a barman and a mate seeing if they were ok and then they had to move.


I keep finding that you fiond a lot of weird people hanging around pubs and spoiling people's nights and I'm fed up with it.

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I always see/meet/get stalked by weirdos in pubs (and weirdos that think it's ok to see me as they're driving past, find somewhere to park and them come talk to me). I don't know why they insist on talking to me. A guy today in the yorkshire grey (at lunch time, on his own, drinking a bottle of wine) insisted on telling me his life story because i made the mistake of looking at him! Spose he did make me laugh though.


Has anyone accidentally found themselves in the banker's draft during the day?? It's full of weirdos and pervs, it's quite fun

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Thats why I always offer the service to my female friends of pretending to be their neanderthal boyfriend when we're out. (That is of course unless their real bf is in tow.)


All you big guys out there - your help will be greatly appreaciated. Nowt gets rid of a weirdo like a "friendly" hand on the shoulder and "Will you stop pestering me lass?". Got many a thank you pint like that.

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Come on Robbie, which boozer was this?


Every pub has its wierdos (should the plural for wierdo have an 'e' in it?), some even rely on them for trade. But you're right: We don't need these people!


For some reason, Walkley has more than its fair share of strange dudes (and dudesses). No pub is safe! (Nor any street - I watch them walk past from my business premises on Barber Road. I shudder and duck under the window as their blood-red [yet totally unfocussed] eyes look into mine.)


Infact, come to think of it, we've got this guy who comes into our shop, doesn't want to buy anything but insists on talking to one (male) member of staff. I have to pretend there's a phonecall for the staff member in order to get him out of Mr Lonely's clutches.


I've encountered some scary sites in the Hadfield. And I'm not talking about students.



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Originally posted by Ousetunes

Come on Robbie, which boozer was this?


Every pub has its wierdos (should the plural for wierdo have an 'e' in it?), some even rely on them for trade. But you're right: We don't need these people!


For some reason, Walkley has more than its fair share of strange dudes (and dudesses). No pub is safe! (Nor any street - I watch them walk past from my business premises on Barber Road. I shudder and duck under the window as their blood-red [yet totally unfocussed] eyes look into mine.)


Infact, come to think of it, we've got this guy who comes into our shop, doesn't want to buy anything but insists on talking to one (male) member of staff. I have to pretend there's a phonecall for the staff member in order to get him out of Mr Lonely's clutches.


I've encountered some scary sites in the Hadfield. And I'm not talking about students.




the Springvale. I know we have the care in the community crowd (which aren't really a problem) but this bloke was just a creep.


Which shop do you own?


I watched an England game in the Hadfield and about 30 munites before it started lots of hooligans turned up and occupied one corner of the pub. Never felt so uncomfortable in my life.

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Originally posted by Dj_Shadowman

And here was me thinking that all the weird ones only came out when they heard I was doing a karaoke :D


Or do you just ring them up to get them to come out? Eh, Eh? My singing days are now over!

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