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Non smokers in pub designated smoking zones.

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Are you for real?? Smokers only have a small area where it is acceptable to smoke, non-smokers can sit where they like, but if they choose to sit amidst the smokers and the smoker smokes, the smoker is selfish?.
Yup that's pretty much exactly how my post reads:rolleyes:


When you put it like that, I see your point :loopy:
But I didn't put it like that, you did, which kinda changed what I said.
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Of course not.


Definition of Selfishness


Selfishness denotes the precedence given in thought or deed to the self, i.e., self interest or self concern. It is the act of placing one's own needs or desires above the needs or desires of others.


So by a non smoker being SELF CONCERNED over the SMOKE and expecting for their permision to be asked is not SELFISH :loopy:


The problem lies in this problem is manners/courtesy, Sentinal did not have to ask permission to do something he wanted, did the non smokers ask for HIS PERMISSION to sit next to him and scoff there faces full of food? No.


Swings and roundabouts people.

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Perhaps this is the question we should be dabating. Anyone want to start another thread. The attitude of some on here should bring about a lively exchange.




Brussels chiefs want to outlaw beer garden ciggie areas - and even extend the ban to open air concerts like this weekend's Glastonbury festival.


The European Commission says the current bar on smoking in enclosed public places does not go far enough. It says non-smokers in outdoor areas are still in danger from passive smoking.


It comes after a World Health Organisation report said workers such as waiters and door staff are exposed to dangerous levels of smoke outside pubs and restaurants. And the smoke can waft back inside buildings through open doors, windows and vents.


Brussels Health Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou is expected to announce plans on Tuesday. Her spokesman said: "We want to encourage EU member states to enforce the WHO convention as at the moment it is not binding."

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i think you should have at least asked the diners if it was ok to smoke, or sat further away from them so the smoke was not drifting towards them. I sure the diners did not react unreasonably.

You seem to think that the whole beer garden is now your personal smoking area, you could show some consideration for other people. This is the kind of thing that gives smokers a bad name.


no>>>i do not>>>>read the posts!

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This is another common smoker straw man argument.

The fact that things pollute doesn't make it okay to force others to breath your second hand smoke. Smoking is a habit, most other forms of pollution aren't.


Many people OVERUSE their cars. It is a habit that they have.

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The problem lies in this problem is manners/courtesy, Sentinal did not have to ask permission to do something he wanted, did the non smokers ask for HIS PERMISSION to sit next to him and scoff there faces full of food? (Which some people I know detest)


I guess we just have different manners then. I always ask the people around me if it's ok when I want to smoke, it's really no big deal. And I do think it is selfish to just light up around other people regardless of where you are.

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I went to a pub the other day, it had a designated eating area and a pub area, I wasn't eating but thought I'd sit in the designated eating area anyway because it was allowed, a couple came in for a meal but there were no tables left in the eating area so they had to do without food, they had the nerve to ask me to move to a free table in the bar area so they could sit and eat.

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Perhaps this is the question we should be dabating. Anyone want to start another thread. The attitude of some on here should bring about a lively exchange.




Brussels chiefs want to outlaw beer garden ciggie areas - and even extend the ban to open air concerts like this weekend's Glastonbury festival.


The European Commission says the current bar on smoking in enclosed public places does not go far enough. It says non-smokers in outdoor areas are still in danger from passive smoking.


It comes after a World Health Organisation report said workers such as waiters and door staff are exposed to dangerous levels of smoke outside pubs and restaurants. And the smoke can waft back inside buildings through open doors, windows and vents.


Brussels Health Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou is expected to announce plans on Tuesday. Her spokesman said: "We want to encourage EU member states to enforce the WHO convention as at the moment it is not binding."


It will never happen, even this bunch of idiots who are in control now would not allow all the pubs to close. Many European countries are already ignoring the ban. I saw it in Greece last year, the local police cannot even get motorbike riders to wear crash helmets! I have seen it in Spain also.

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I guess we just have different manners then. I always ask the people around me if it's ok when I want to smoke, it's really no big deal. And I do think it is selfish to just light up around other people regardless of where you are.



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