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Tramlines Festival 2011


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It is blatantly obvious why the council made Devonshire Green ticketed in my opinion. An area that is going to attract large numbers of people. All meeting in one area. Getting frustrated at not being able to get in, grow restless and riots could begin. Where as with ticketing you can separate the initial crowds from said area, meaning that it is a more gradual process lessening the chances of riots.


Riots. I hardly think that was reason they decided to ticket it!


And how does not being allowed in to somewhere because its full make it any different from not being allowed in because you don't have a ticket?

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GIve the organisers a break folks ! This is the first one, i'm sure they'll learn from any mistakes made.


Jeez, it's a free festival, enjoy it, ignore it, whatever you choose. Some people are giving constructive criticism, but some are blatent whingers !!!! And no i don't know the organisers, i am not associated with the festival, i just sometimes despair of peoples attitudes on this forum !


*rant over*

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I went yesterday and it was awesome. =]

what was everyone's favourite acts?


Pixie Lott - she was sooo good. and she can sing which is more than can be said for some other singers... her cover of KOL was really amazing and heartfelt, obviously not ast good as the original, it was different which i think is best when doing covers.


Little Boots- great. she made the whole crowd feel alive.


Athlete - i have never heard of them before tonight and they are pretty amazing. i think i'll start listening to their music. they attracted a pretty big crowd too.


Craine - can't really remember them


Just jack - he was good. i don't really listen to that type of music but when the whole crowd is jumping to starz in their eyes you can't help but join in.


Glasyouth - they were surprisingly good but i can't help but wonder if the only reason i can remember them tonight is cause of the lead singer in that purple tank top?


Yeah yous were good. that keyboard player is sexy ;]


Bootie Love were amazing. i didn't know who they were then i remembered their song 'i've found a place, where we can boogie' =]


Girls can't catch were pretty rubbish. they might have been pretty but they were forgettable and notice how all the boys started running towards the crowd when they came on.



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It was annoying when they did the set changes, they took bloody ages! and they kept playing the same songs over and over again. i wouldn't have minded if they didn't keep playing them. i swear i now know every single word to JLS's song Beat Again. haha.

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It was annoying when they did the set changes, they took bloody ages! and they kept playing the same songs over and over again. i wouldn't have minded if they didn't keep playing them. i swear i now know every single word to JLS's song Beat Again. haha.


Thats Radio Hallam for you do you not listen to Hallam

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GIve the organisers a break folks ! This is the first one, i'm sure they'll learn from any mistakes made.


Jeez, it's a free festival, enjoy it, ignore it, whatever you choose. Some people are giving constructive criticism, but some are blatent whingers !!!! And no i don't know the organisers, i am not associated with the festival, i just sometimes despair of peoples attitudes on this forum !


*rant over*


How can we enjoy it if we can't even get in!


Saying "I'm sure they'll learn from any mistakes made" is no consolation to those of us who've missed out, especially as these mistakes were so simple and stupid.


And the person who said it was ticketed to prevent potential rioting - I don't see your logic there at all. Surely a situation where there are hundreds of people on the street (many drinking) on the wrong side of the fence, but not allowed inside even though it wasn't even half full is potentially a riotous situation. That's exactly what happened yesterday.


All of the shambolic issues have been raised already, and I really don't know what the thinking was behind some of them. Why let people have two tickets? That's just been completely abused by people who use two for themselves which gives them the luxury of being able to leave when they want and come back again later at their leisure, whilst some of us can't get a ticket at all. Surely it should have strictly been one ticket each, that's the fairest way.


And the fact that the main stage has been half empty is ridiculous. By using the ticket system most people have picked them up in the morning and then not used them until the evening. We wanted to go to the festival in the afternoon but couldn't get tickets, so imagine our annoyance when at 6.30pm we saw lots of people sat outside a bar near the Peace Gardens, still with as yet unused tickets in hand.


Oh, and the 'under 16s must be accompanied by an adult' rule - what happened to that?! The amount of 'Topshop' kids in their little gangs around Division Street was simply staggering, they all looked under 14 never mind 16. Yet they'd all somehow managed to get tickets, so no wonder they ran out so quick and there were none left for the rest of us (especially when they all took 2 each aswell).


Jon McClure said this was meant to be 'for the people of Sheffield' but that's just turned out to be rubbish. It's the council that's obviously done the whole organising side of it, and as usual have ruined it. I'm from Sheffield and live right here in the city centre, put my time and money into the city every day. Yet whenever there's an event, like this for example, it seems like it's only outsiders that benefit and lots of us are excluded - 90% of the people this weekend have seemed like visitors, who rarely if ever even come into Sheffield. I was looking forward to this festival as much as anyone but I never expected I'd actually be excluded. From the people I've seen and heard around town these last couple of days it's sad to have to say as many people have been left annoyed and disappointed.

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aww, i feel for the guy above. i have to admit i didn't really know the situation outside of dev green but now i feel bad for those who didn't get in. the ticket system needs to be sorted for next year, but don't worry those who missed out, next year will most probably be better and for most of we were waiting around listening to robbie williams


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