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Acceptable age gap between 2 adults


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at the end of the day surely all thet matters is that the 2 people are equal in the relationship and that they love each other. As long as it is leagl and it does not affect anyone elses life substantially then all that matters is that the 2 people are in love.




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Originally posted by DaBouncer

Steady on Rob.... you'll need to clarify.


Does that mean Moon looks older or Nosferatu looks younger? :o


i thought they both looked around 25 really, moon being on the lesser side of 25 naturally ;)

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I suppose it goes with the times. These days perhaps its looked upon as being unusual for there to be an age gap in its teens.


When my mother and father married, there were 14 years between their ages, my father being the senior, ( this was back in 1968 ) but equally on the other hand my mother was happy with the marriage which she said was very stable as my dad was a family oriented man and was secure. He passed away in 1995, and as any marriage does, it has its ups and down, but at no time did he back out of his commitments (or even hint as such) to his wife and kids and I have fond memories of everything we used to do together as a family.


I sometimes think it was this age and experience that he had that kept everything together, and for me I know he was always there if I needed his help or guidance. Even now I still feel he is here to help me such was our father-son bond. It gives me alot of encouragement to know that me going through college/uni would have made him proud. :)



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Originally posted by RPG

i thought they both looked around 25 really, moon being on the lesser side of 25 naturally ;)


Are we talking about the same fella here??? My hubby is greying tall and skinny - not the short stubby blonde one (barf).

People have said he looks younger than 42 but not THAT young!


Wow. Nicely dug out there RPG!


Moon Maiden

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