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How do I get the mobile speed camera on our road?

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Schools broken up this week and its obvious from the lighter traffic everywhere. Thing is, lots of people are now going well over the 30 limit up our road


we (residents group) have complained in the past about excessive speed but council say the average speed is 28mph. They wouldnt be drawn on the percentage doing 36mph or more though


so how would we get the mobile camera up here one morning, be worth a few bob in the councils coffers . . .


Maybe if you enlighten us to which road you are reffering too we maybe able to give better responses.

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There tends to be a link between those who argue "speed is not a problem" and them being ************************************


Fill in as you please, there are lots of choices.


Speed isnt,its actually only a factor in 6% of accidents but it is a good EARNER!



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Can you cite any instances of a car ending up on it's roof from a crash at 30mph?


Get over yourself. Speed isn't the issue, idiot drivers are.

You seem to be one of them if you think driving under 30mph makes you safe from rolling. It just depends what you hit and at what angle.


Here's a rather funny example.



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Get over yourself. Speed isn't the issue, idiot drivers are.

You seem to be one of them if you think driving under 30mph makes you safe from rolling. It just depends what you hit and at what angle.


Here's a rather funny example.




Someone with some common sense.Nice video too,sort of ruins their arguement a little :)

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Guest sibon
Speed isnt,its actually only a factor in 6% of accidents but it is a good EARNER!


That is true, but speed is a factor in over a quarter of fatal accidents and the vast majority of fatalities happen in 30 mph zones. So it is a very important factor in urban areas.






A fantastic contribution to the debate. Thank you.:rolleyes:

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and what is it with 30 mph anyway. It's just some magic number you've been brain washed with. What about 25, surely that's safer? Is 33 too fast?


The whole idea of speed limits is flawed. If 30 mph is meant to be the maximum safe speed for a certain road when it's dry then surely the limit should be 26 mph when it's wet. And perhaps it should be 15 mph for all the people driving around with cheap non premium brand tyres on because lets face it, it's been proven that the cheaper branded tyres are not as safe as the premium ones.


So next time someone calls for a reduction in the speed limits I'd ask them to first check that they've got the best performance brake pads on their car and that they've got tyres on that will stop their car in the shortest possible time.


After all saftey is the be and end all right!

Edited by chrisphysics
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