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How do I get the mobile speed camera on our road?

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The first quote is about Naked Streets, I agree completely, cluttered streets confuse.


The second quote is talking about a driver failing to notice a speed camera.


I'm not sure why you think the two quotes are talking about the same thing.

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The first quote is about Naked Streets, I agree completely, cluttered streets confuse.


The second quote is talking about a driver failing to notice a speed camera.


I'm not sure why you think the two quotes are talking about the same thing.


Simple really, One quote is stating that drivers are distracted by items outside their field of vision (perhaps even a big yellow box, or a foliage green one in Manchester). When one is distracted concentration can lapse, and it can be quite easy for some drivers to stray over the speed limit.


I'm sure you've heard the phrase 'painting onself into a corner'


Perhaps we need a new phrase 'cutting and pasting oneself into a corner'.

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I think his point is that either things outside the line of vision (signs and speedometers) distract, or they do not.

You can't choose that signs require you to take your eyes of the road, but speedo's don't. They both require you to look away from where you are driving.

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There is evidence that de-cluttering streets makes the roads safer.


If you have evidence that removing speedos, or the requirement to check one's speed, has an equal effect then I'd like to see it.


Ah but that's not what we're saying is it.


Please make sure that your bike chain doesn't come off as you start to backpedal.

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pssssst spindrift, I will let you into a little secret ;) listen very carefully as I will only say this once....


knobody cares about the rubbish you post. Infact I may get my car tuned just to go that bit faster up your road!!


As for kids playing on roads, how reckless are you? Take them to the park ;)

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There is evidence that de-cluttering streets makes the roads safer.


If you have evidence that removing speedos, or the requirement to check one's speed, has an equal effect then I'd like to see it.


I know that copy and paste is your big thing, but try logic for a minute.


You can't argue that taking your eyes away from the road is bad, except when it's to check a speedo.

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Skink..You are the reason why there are so many cameras about and the roads are slow moving.


I cant wait to see your responce when u get caught by one of these camera's cuz it'll be a totally diff thread.

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I know that copy and paste is your big thing, but try logic for a minute.


You can't argue that taking your eyes away from the road is bad, except when it's to check a speedo.


The only person who claims speedos are distracting is you.


A good driver doesn't even have to look at the speedo, I can tell roughly what speed I'm doing from engine noise, and the limit isn't a target remember, it's an upper speed.


A good driver doesn't drive at the limit all the time and doesn't peer at his speedo enough for it to distract.

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