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How do I get the mobile speed camera on our road?

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The only person who claims speedos are distracting is you.


A good driver doesn't even have to look at the speedo, I can tell roughly what speed I'm doing from engine noise, and the limit isn't a target remember, it's an upper speed.


A good driver doesn't drive at the limit all the time and doesn't peer at his speedo enough for it to distract.


So you've never checked your speedo when passing a camera or police car?? you are a liar my friend!

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So you've never checked your speedo when passing a camera or police car?? you are a liar my friend!


Of course I have, but it doesn't distract me! If someone finds checking their speedo distracting then they're not a very good driver.


The issue isn't whether you check your speed by using the speedo or your own judgement, the claim was made that having to do so was distracting. I say it isn't, and I believe anyone involved in a collision who blamed their speedo would be laughed out of court.


Yesterday I drove through town and a girl was wearing a short skirt on a windy day. If I got distracted and crashed it WOULD NOT have been the girl's fault. If I was distracted by a speedo and crashed it WOULD NOT be the speedo's fault.


It would be my fault.

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Yesterday I drove through town and a girl was wearing a short skirt on a windy day. If I got distracted and crashed it WOULD NOT have been the girl's fault. If I was distracted by a speedo and crashed it WOULD NOT be the speedo's fault.


It would be my fault.


I've often curbed my wheels on eccy road in the summertime due to the above comment.

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Can you cite any instances of a car ending up on it's roof from a crash at 30mph?

_________________ My car ended up at a crash from 0 MPH when it came to a standstill by virtue of a very obliging oak tree (It was very upside down and hexagonal!):D

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nick one lol


Well I suppose for all these left wing do gooders who have never exceeded the speed limit, these would be great as I doubt they would even exceed 30mph, so they can save the environment and the children all at the same time :thumbsup:

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Well I suppose for all these left wing do gooders who have never exceeded the speed limit, these would be great as I doubt they would even exceed 30mph, so they can save the environment and the children all at the same time :thumbsup:


I make sure I drive around the local streets in 1st/2nd gear to compensate for all the gnob and Prius type loons

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Aparentley you can chuck them in the river and it wont kill all the fish (according to top gear).


Wouldn't really go with everything 'Top gear' says - they're a load of brilliant idiots - do you want to go to France by water in a car? (daft but brilliant!) :D

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