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How do I get the mobile speed camera on our road?

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I've got no speeding tickets.....


So do better tyres, do you have the best on your car?


Your wasting your time,they have blinkered vision.Speed is all they see and for me its frightening these people 'possibly' hold a licence to drive.

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What I'd like to see is a raft of measures to make our roads safer. More cameras. More traf pol. Re-testing every five years or after a serious accident (ten children a day are killed or seriously injured on the roads EVERY DAY Look how much publicity that shocking fact gets compared to knife crime).


Sweden has aimed for Zero Deaths.


That's right, their stated aim is that NOBODY dies on Swedish roads.


The instigators of the scheme admit it's probably impossible, but then that's often the point of aims, even getting less than what you hoped for is still a result.


After the Zero Initiative was set up road design and law enforcement received a lot more attention. So reducing speed, among other things, was a cornerstone of the Swedish initiative.


The Swedes gave reduced accidents and fatalities by a third:



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whatever happened to road sense been taught to kids by parents????? ive been driving many years and i dont see why i should be expected to look out for kids on the road and while im at it, message for most students, take your head phones off when crossing roads and pay attention, same occurs in shops, if parents let kids wander infront of trolleys i for one just keep going, so its over to you parents not us drivers.


This attitude, although dying out now, is not uncommon. It's the classic recidivist argument- 'She was asking to be raped, wearing that skirt'. That attitudes like his are responsible for killing children doesn't even occur to the poster.



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What I'd like to see is a raft of measures to make our roads safer. More cameras. More traf pol. Re-testing every five years or after a serious accident (ten children a day are killed or seriously injured on the roads EVERY DAY Look how much publicity that shocking fact gets compared to knife crime).


Sweden has aimed for Zero Deaths.


That's right, their stated aim is that NOBODY dies on Swedish roads.


The instigators of the scheme admit it's probably impossible, but then that's often the point of aims, even getting less than what you hoped for is still a result.


After the Zero Initiative was set up road design and law enforcement received a lot more attention. So reducing speed, among other things, was a cornerstone of the Swedish initiative.


The Swedes gave reduced accidents and fatalities by a third:




If my kid got killed on a road id have to blame myself,my kids are MY responsibility,and its my job to keep them safe,and educate them to keep THEMSELFS safe,not blame it on a third party.

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If my kid got killed on a road id have to blame myself,my kids are MY responsibility,and its my job to keep them safe,and educate them to keep THEMSELFS safe,not blame it on a third party.


What has that got to do with a single word I posted?


And if it's your job for educating your children they're never going to win spelling prizes mate.

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What has that got to do with a single word I posted?


And if it's your job for educating your children they're never going to win spelling prizes mate.


so what??? At least they can think for themselfs and cross a road safely.Mine will be sleeping in their own bed tonight not a hospital one blameing others for their actions.

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so what??? At least they can think for themselfs and cross a road safely.Mine will be sleeping in their own bed tonight not a hospital one blameing others for their actions.


Sorry, I explain that reducing speed saves lives and you're asking me to have a go at a kid in hospital?


What do you want me to do, give him a Chinese burn?


I'd rather the kid didn't end up in hospital in the first place, saving lives is more worthwhile than bickering about blame.

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What has that got to do with a single word I posted?


And if it's your job for educating your children they're never going to win spelling prizes mate.


Seems whenever you cant back up your crap you resort to name calling on many threads heres one


"Ignore bru sheff, I reckon his missus ran off with a cyclist or summat."


says it all really.

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This attitude, although dying out now, is not uncommon. It's the classic recidivist argument- 'She was asking to be raped, wearing that skirt'. That attitudes like his are responsible for killing children doesn't even occur to the poster.




I don't see the link there at all.

I couldn't careless about the stupid child that walks out into the road but that doesn't make me a careless driver. I don't want to hit anyone because I don't want to shell out thousands to repair my car. Nor do I want to face charges for careless driving etc.

I would never drive in any fashion that would put my impressive no claims bonus at risk.


I'm all in favour of natural selection and that the stupid among us should be weeded out, just I don't want it to be my car or my freedom that is lost because of that.

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tis me, if you'd like to explain why reducing road deaths is 'crap' then I'd like to hear your reasoning?


Or you can take issue with what I've posted and say exactly why you disagree?


There are fines for graffiti or urinating in the street the same as there are fines for speeding.


I don't get any fines because I don't speed, draw spaffing cocks on walls or pee against a wall on the way home. Only criminals pay fines. Don't speed, don't get a fine, it's simple!

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