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How do I get the mobile speed camera on our road?

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I don't see the link there at all.

I couldn't careless about the stupid child that walks out into the road but that doesn't make me a careless driver. I don't want to hit anyone because I don't want to shell out thousands to repair my car. Nor do I want to face charges for careless driving etc.

I would never drive in any fashion that would put my impressive no claims bonus at risk.


I'm all in favour of natural selection and that the stupid among us should be weeded out, just I don't want it to be my car or my freedom that is lost because of that.



Have you seen the damage a child's skull can do to a car bonnet? It's shocking, you'd need to pay a lot for that, I imagine. If you were a rational, compassionate human being, you know?


Survival of the fittest is the survival of those who best fit into their environment and society, not the survival of the strongest. On those terms you really ought to retire to your study with a whisky and revolver.

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tis me, if you'd like to explain why reducing road deaths is 'crap' then I'd like to hear your reasoning?


Or you can take issue with what I've posted and say exactly why you disagree?


There are fines for graffiti or urinating in the street the same as there are fines for speeding.


I don't get any fines because I don't speed, draw spaffing cocks on walls or pee against a wall on the way home. Only criminals pay fines. Don't speed, don't get a fine, it's simple!


i am all FOR improving road safety,but i wont be part of mass brainwashing to allow stealth taxes.

I could come up with many ways to improve road safety but the true fact nobody gives a dam,but they do care about how much money they can make on the pretense.

All this speeding crap actually is having a negative affect on our roads not a positive one and saving NO lives at all.Most accidents actually happen within the speed limits.

When i see a genuine feeling towards road safety and implimenting safegards to assist that will actually work then ill be behind it but a few miles an hour over the speed limit which many have been reduced well below the road design speeds isnt one of them.

if speed is so dangerous then why is it millions of occurances of it happen every day yet vertually none turn into accidents?

Treating people like kids,makes them act like kids,just have a look around next time your on our roads,roads the used to be some of the safest in the world but not any more.Whys that we have more cameras than anywhere in the world?

Because speed isnt what they would have you believe its just money and of course lowering speed causes more conjestion which is handy if your about to force pay per mile because we need it as our roads are conjested :)

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There is no brain-washing.




A speeding fine is no more stealth tax than a fine for having a pee against a lamp post is a stealth tax.




The evidence from Sweden (and in the UK in 20mph 'Home Zones') is that lives are saved when speed is reduced. There are fewer accidents. Fewer injuries. Fewer deaths.




Fatal RTA rates are declining, despite traffic growth.

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There is no brain-washing.




A speeding fine is no more stealth tax than a fine for having a pee against a lamp post is a stealth tax.




The evidence from Sweden (and in the UK in 20mph 'Home Zones') is that lives are saved when speed is reduced. There are fewer accidents. Fewer injuries. Fewer deaths.




Fatal RTA rates are declining, despite traffic growth.


..............Ha ha

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Survival of the fittest is the survival of those who best fit into their environment and society, not the survival of the strongest. On those terms you really ought to retire to your study with a whisky and revolver.


I never said survival of the strongest nor did I mean that. I meant survival of those clever enough to survive. Lets face if you write your car off and dye for going too fast then the human race is a better place for it.

Similarly with those stupid enough to cross a road without looking.


Who are you to judge who does and doesn't fit in society.

I pay taxes, don't take a thing from the government and don't cause harm to anyone I come across. Anyway that's an off topic discussion.

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Because speed isnt what they would have you believe its just money and of course lowering speed causes more conjestion which is handy if your about to force pay per mile because we need it as our roads are conjested :)


Go on to any motorway from 6am onwards and you will find a large amount of traffic, Where are all these people going?Are they riding about for pleasure?

no bus would cover these journeys or alot of others and this goverment knows this and just after the next election pay per mile will be forced on us.Taxed for going to work,What a real brainwave,you just wouldnt believe it would you?


My Bold


You really need to change your rhetoric, cracks are showing in your multiple personality

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