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How do I get the mobile speed camera on our road?

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been doing a spot of work for an hour or two and come back to some very funny conversation on this one, I almost feel like I am sat in a pub :)


Just out of curiousity - does anyone actually know how someone gets the mobile speed camera set up on your road? - like a phone number or email address or something


anybody ?


Just papermache a large box, make it look like a camera, stick it on a broom stick, voila, should do the trick. Although if said speeders are not paying attention to the road, how would they notice a speedcamera if they are all tootling along on their mobiles?

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Just papermache a large box, make it look like a camera, stick it on a broom stick, voila, should do the trick. Although if said speeders are not paying attention to the road, how would they notice a speedcamera if they are all tootling along on their mobiles?


thought about that, was going to get a tripod of Freecycle and give it to the kids as a project


but figured I couldnt be bothered and it would probably get pinched or run over anyway

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Speeding is entirely avoidable, if you fail to notice the speed limit and a dirty great box painted yellow you deserve the fine.


You seem to be arguing that drivers ought not to consciously make the effort to avoid breaking the law.


The excuse 'I didn't mean to' cuts no ice when so many people die because drivers thought it was safe to speed.


You miss my point, which is to avoid speeding one has to be vigilant; constantly observing the instruments and the road conditions / signage.


How much concentration does it take to not urinate in public?


Therefore your comparison between urinating in public and speeding is not entirely valid is it?




PS any thoughts on the rest of my post?

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brill, thanks, just what I was looking for


any chance we can stop this thread now please . . .


Aww dont get it closed I want to see Snail boy accusing people of being other people.


P.s I think Snail Boy might be the incarnation of Rich??

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Hmmm, 'speedophile' and 'paedophile'. You could easily combine the two into a new word 'spaedophile'. Not only is it very funny in a kind of Chris Morris way, but people who speed down residential streets actually are no better than peadophiles anyway; they certainly share the same disregard for children.

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