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Some one told me you meet up on Sundays?


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Where's the pub you go to on Sundays? Dont know anyone other than family in Sheffield and need conversation that doesnt consist of, whatcha want for tea and what time ya gonna be home tonight! Some one please help!

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Originally posted by rubydazzler

Watch out for people wanting to meet up for various evenings out ... check out Notices and Events from the Home Page ..


..... or even the "Notices & Events" section of the "Going Out in Sheffield" pages.:thumbsup: which is where you will find Ruby's invite for tonight and the Sunday night meets.



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Originally posted by cgksheff

..... or even the "Notices & Events" section of the "Going Out in Sheffield" pages.:thumbsup: which is where you will find Ruby's invite for tonight and the Sunday night meets.




And there's usually a competition between me and Edd for who gets the Sunday night meet thread up first :D


Although I think I'll bow out gracefully and let Edd do the thread for this upcoming Sunday cos I don't know if I'm coming.

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Originally posted by spyro2000

What kind of crowd is it at the meets. ie age range, likes etc


No offence intended, but im sure i wont fit in, or could i be wrong?


There's alsorts of ages, from late teens to early-late 20s to 40somethings and beyond..

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Originally posted by Rich

There's alsorts of ages, from late teens to early-late 20s to 40somethings and beyond..


Nice one, Im sure one day ill turn up. Or i might just turn up this Sunday, but not let myself known, Ill just take a sneak from afar to see what I might be letting myself in for hehe :D


p.s. lol @ your Wrestlemania site :heyhey::rolleyes:

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