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Any Jazz fans left in Sheffield?

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Hello Sprite,thanks for those memories!and I remember Trummy Young on trombone and bassist Arvell Shaw, and Louis's mountain of clean handerkerchiefs in the top of the grand piano,using one after every number, and the lip salve.Mention has been of Sydney Bechet, and his visit to the City Hall, his playing knocked us out, and George Webb was sat in front of us going crazy with Bechets wonderful playing,swing?did'nt he just.On a more sombre note I saw one of Sydney Bechets final public concerts in Brussels in 1958, he died some months later a true Giant of Jazz

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Reading your post buck, of the 21st, regarding the Stan Kenton trip to Dublin, made me wonder if there's anybody else around who made that journey. I didn't go I must admit, I think I'd only just got out of the military or something. What year was it exactly? I remember some guy telling me all about it, and I'm like 'Wha','Wha', really green with envy. I did get to the City Hall concert though, a few years later. I was sitting behind the stage for that one, right behind the 'Man' himself. I remember Mel Lewis leaning over to Curtis Counce the bass player and saying something like'Whaddya wan' it in, big red balls? Presumably he was talking about the score and Mr Counce misreading something.

It was Marty Napoleon on piano,sprite. He was with Louis Armstrong around that time.

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Hi Texas Nice to hear these stories, sounds about right for Pete!

unfortunately only got to meet dad again for a few years before he died, so we had a lot to catch up on and sadly not enough time.


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1)re Nev Reaney - heard recently that he'd had a heart attack.


2) re Alex Wyatt - for many years he fronted the Jazz Preservation Society band at the Norfolk Arms Ringinglow on Friday nights. Last I heard of him was that he was very ill.


Ralph Salt - remember him? - he still plays a t the Chequers Whiston on Wednesday nights.

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Hello jazzers,

Regarding Eddie Condons band .Wild Bill Davison cornet, Bob Wilber Clarinet,Cutty Cutshall Trombone,Dick Cary Piano, Jack Lesberg bass . Wild Bill also played with Mick Shaw in Sheffield, as did Billy Butterfield.I also remember the Steel City Stompers booking Alex Welsh and his band to play at the Albert Hotel in Barkers Pool for the sum of £40.

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,Lawd a' mercy drainpipe, ain't you got any good news? Ralph Salt, the name dont ring any bells. Who he?

And sprite,SPRITE, you are doing my head in, are you saying that the Condon Mob you mention, played the City Hall? When was that?

I got a story that Ray Hollingsworth told me regarding Wild Bill, he was hanging out with him in New York for a couple of days when he was working the ships from Southampton. They left this club where Wild Bill was working, and, well ******, they went back to Bills apartment (with a couple of chicas). When the cab drew up outside the building, Bill fell out of the cab, accidentaly falling onto his trumpet (which was in a paper bag), and doing it a lot of damage. They got up to the apartment eventually, Bill got on the 'phone, to the company who made the horn, and within the the hour, they'd delivered a brand new instrument! Now that's what I call service!

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hi Texas - Ralph Salt's been around for about 40 years - he's into Miles Davis and Bill Evans sort of stuff. He used to be a perpetrator of middle nines and 13 bar blues but he seems to have lost that now.Royston Davies plays bass with him.

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A very interesting thread guys. I don't think anyone has mentioned the Back O'Town Syncopators who I believe played trad at Nether Edge Hall amongst others circa 1963/4. This also brings to mind the dance that the hippy types indulged in - was it the Skip Jive - a slow, high stepping dance.

Did anyone ever lodge at Mrs Carnell's place on Broomgrove Road (opposite the 'naughty girls' home). The low point of the week was the weekly serving of Fred's stew - a disgusting concoction . Fred, the "chef", was frequently seen well oiled in the Porter Lodge down Sharrow Vale.

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