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New Thai Restaurant on Ecclesall Road


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Patoo? - I think the one that was in Noodle King is 'All Siam'?

Is Patoo the one a bit further down the road?

Recently visited All Siam - really great food - and excellent service.

Would recommend you book - We didn't and they just fitted us in but it was full (and it was mid week)

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Patoo is the one further down the road.

We tried to get in last night but it was fully booked so we went to All Siam and they just managed to fit us in.


It wasn't bad, I've had better, service was spot on and I couldn't fault it.


Would go back but I want to try Patoo first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

never bother with Thai restaraunts outside Thailand, even in Asia, and even when they're Thai cooks. Too many disappointments.


also they're too expensive. 20-30% more than Indian restos in the UK. The ingredients don't cost anything like that much more. What they're doing is gambling on the customers paying more for it being more 'exotic'.

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never bother with Thai restaraunts outside Thailand, even in Asia, and even when they're Thai cooks. Too many disappointments.


also they're too expensive. 20-30% more than Indian restos in the UK. The ingredients don't cost anything like that much more. What they're doing is gambling on the customers paying more for it being more 'exotic'.


That's all very well. But when I want a Thai meal, I can't just jump on a plane and head to Thailand!!!!


I have been to Thailand loads of times, and yes, you can't duplicate the food there and bring it to England. But saying that, I have eaten in some good Thai restaurant's in Engalnd.


My friends wife is Thia. When we get invited to their house, we have some of the best Thai food I have ever eaten, and it's free:clap:

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set meals for 1 start at £24.95. Breaking that down thats 15quid for your main, and a fiver each for starter & desert.


That is not expensive for proper food in a restaurant, considering it's nearly 10 quid for a Burger King meal.

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there's no rhyme or reason to Thai restos overseas. You can pay a packet and get a right pile of garbage but one of the best Thai meals I ever ate was in this little cafe thing up in North Berwick in Scotland where the owner had married some Thai woman, so they sold Thai dishes as well as bacon butties. They did delicous Tod Man Pla for like 2.95 for 6. I make them myself by the dozen and freeze them. They cost me about 25 pence each, so really about 4 quid is about right. 7.95 which is what they can cost is just a joke.


home is cooking is usually best everywhere provided the cook isn't a total retard except when you go really go upmarket. Thai food is no different.

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Importing fresh Thai ingredients does not come cheap and most need to be fresh. the majority of ingredients in Indian cooking are easily available and or dried.


I have a Kaffir lime leave tree, It's great for me as I just pull off a few leaves when I need them but imagine how many of those you would need to run a restaurant!

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I like the sound of that place in Scotland. It's what Sheffield could do with.


It would be great is someone opened a no-frills cafe type place serving home-style Thai food at reasonable prices.


I noticedl last time I was there in September there's one similar out in Tinsley. A UK type transport caff, that also serves Thai dishes. Thai wife, husband not a farang but somewhere in the Middle East, Iran I think although I didn't ask. Tried it, food not expensive but not all that great either. Give it a try it's part of the block of shops behind the houses to the left as you go towards Magma on the left, after the big Tinsley roundabout

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