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Growing up in Beighton

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A friend just sent me this site. June, do you remember Jean Gill? She was my little sister and also a good friend of Marilyn Lancaster's. We grew up in Beighton, went to Brookhouse and were a members of the Youth Club. Mr Durham was wonderful, how he tolerated us gobby girls, I don't know. Jean and I were both on the Youth Club Netball Team.

Barry Durham and I were in the same class, he was a very nice person and a very good reader!! Hope he's doing well.

Umm, Molinaris(sp) Ice Cream...yummy!

Edited by GlassyGee
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I grew up in Hackenthorpe and we used to walk to beighton to the youth club. A beighton boy gave me my first kiss, magic. Keith Havenhand I think his name was. Used to meet me with his friend in tow. I think I was about 14. I also walked to Woodhouse with my mum to have a tooth out and walked back afterwards. It must have been a few miles. Later a clinic opened in Hackenthorpe and the dentist there really was a butcher.

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Hi June

Yes I grew up in beighton during that time and remeber Sandra Lancaster. Some others from that time Daivd Fox mentioned I think one of the other posts, Malcolm fox (no relation) Linda Bishop, June Sargent, Pauline Adamson, Billy Jepson, Leslie Simmonite, Eric Fox, Tony Johnson lived in the OLD george and Dragon, Dave Grundill,Cedric Oates and many others.

'ello Mature 5011, I went to school with most of those kids you named. Linda 'Bishop' is still my BF! Beighton was a great place to grow up. Did you attend a 50th reunion in Mosborough? I left the UK in 1967 but try to go 'home' when I can. My mother still lives on Victoria road.

Sadly, several old school mates have since passed away; Maureen Turton, Sandra Lancaster and my dear friend Pat Clarke.

I don't know hardly anyone anymore and Beighton has changed so much-not for better. Do you remember Mr. Kirk, the geography teacher at Beighton School? I don't know how he survived us! We took every opportunity to disrupt class; he was such a pushover! Now I wish I had paid more attention instead of plotting how to avoid actual school work:(

It's nice to see familiar names up here, although we're all in our sixties and becoming more invisible to the younger generation. Are we the 'crinklies' now?

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'ello Mature 5011, I went to school with most of those kids you named. Linda 'Bishop' is still my BF! Beighton was a great place to grow up. Did you attend a 50th reunion in Mosborough? I left the UK in 1967 but try to go 'home' when I can. My mother still lives on Victoria road.

Sadly, several old school mates have since passed away; Maureen Turton, Sandra Lancaster and my dear friend Pat Clarke.

I don't know hardly anyone anymore and Beighton has changed so much-not for better. Do you remember Mr. Kirk, the geography teacher at Beighton School? I don't know how he survived us! We took every opportunity to disrupt class; he was such a pushover! Now I wish I had paid more attention instead of plotting how to avoid actual school work:(

It's nice to see familiar names up here, although we're all in our sixties and becoming more invisible to the younger generation. Are we the 'crinklies' now?


Did you know us? Marylin, Ann and Ian Williams of Woodhouse Lane? I remember Mr Kirk, Dogger Darker, Mr Hardy and his wife who used to teach English. Also remember the Shaws, Sandra and Susan, Frank Miles, The Hales family to name a few.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, I don't remember a 'Williams' family on Woodhouse lane, we lived on Sothall Green then Grange Road, when I was going to school. Did you know the Purdy's? Michael was in my class, a 'smashing lad', we could always count on him to stall the lesson by asking the teacher a plethora of questions. Mick emigrated to New Zealand, (via Australia, I think).

I didn't recognize any of the kids in the Old Beighton Photos, but did see some familiar places, especially the flooded road over the railway tracks.

We kids were 'drawn' to floods, all we needed was a pair of 'wellies' and a good excuse as to why we had to go out to play in the rain. The Ochre Dyke was another favourite. My sister actually fell in the swollen Dyke and was heading for a tangle of tree branches backed up at the entrance to a small bridge. The water was already running over the bridge at this point and she could have been trapped among the branches and debris. I ran on ahead of her and grabbed her coat collar as the strong current carried her downstream. Needless to say, mother was livid when we arrived home soaked to the skin. It didn't occur to me at the time, but the river Rother must have been one of the most polluted rivers in the UK! And we used to play in it.

Anybody out there with more 'Beighton' adventures?

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My dad used to drive for Grant and Mcallan, I used to go with him on Sunday morning fishing trips, and I used to sit on the engine in the front. If you’re older than me you may know my cousins, Trevor or Rita Williams. Had plenty of fun sledging on Walter’s field. Our house used to get flood water right up to our back door; we were 2nd house up from the bottom of Woodhouse Lane. I used to knock about with Cyril Wright, Adrian Cropper, Phill Cutts, Alan Wright amongst others. My favourite drinking hole was Royal Oak. Pint of tennants 1shilling and 10pence, I worked at Memories (Swallownest Brickworks with Phil Moore. OMG I could go on forever......

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