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Growing up in Beighton

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There are 5 of us girls that were in the Beatson family. All except me all went to Rainbow Forge and Carterlodge. Their ages are 55, 59, 61 and 62. My 2 elder sisters both married lads from Beighton, one from Robin Lane and the other from Norcroft Cottages. The eldest divorced and remarried but the other is still married to 'Wag' from Norcroft. We lived at Carr Forge Close but my nan lived at Beighton, across from Norcroft Cottages.

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There are 5 of us girls that were in the Beatson family. All except me all went to Rainbow Forge and Carterlodge. Their ages are 55, 59, 61 and 62. My 2 elder sisters both married lads from Beighton, one from Robin Lane and the other from Norcroft Cottages. The eldest divorced and remarried but the other is still married to 'Wag' from Norcroft. We lived at Carr Forge Close but my nan lived at Beighton, across from Norcroft Cottages.


Hi, was your dad called Frank?




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Hi fixit4u

Chances are I know your brothers in law then. I remember Norcroft Cottages well. I didn't know all the families who lived there but did know of some.

Did you know any of the Tann's from Hackenthorpe? They are my cousins on my dad's side of the family. Patrick, Kate and David Tann - or any of the Lamberts?


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Hi june, saw my sister yesterday and told her about this post, yes she remembers you well. She said you and her worked together, your first jobs together, her name is sheila, does it ring any bells? Also she says did one of your brothers used to live on Broadfield Road in sheffield?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi june, my sister kath also remembers you and also her husband charlie. She says she also worked with you at your first job, she even had a photo of you all sat on a gate to have your picture taken. There was yourself, sheila and kath beatson and sheila craig, she says do you remember it?

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Hi fixit4u,

I can't say that I do remember the photo being taken. What is Charlie's second name....I may remember him too. Was he a Beighton lad? I'd love to have a copy of the photo. Do they still have it? Was it taken at Shelley's or somewhere else? Where did Sheila and Kath live when they were young? Did they live at the top end of Beighton? I do remember Sheila Craig.



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Hi June, charlies surname is storey, yes he lived all his young life at beighton in a cottage at norcroft. Yes she still has the photo, you all have beehive hairstyles, ha ha. We used to live at carrforge close at hackenthorpe. Charlie remembers your brothers, did you used to live at (i think he said) victoria road?

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Hi fixit4u

Yes, I vaguely remember the 'Storey's. My brothers are John and Richard and yes, I used to live on Victoria Road for a while in the flats. I wonder if there is any way of me getting a copy of the photo without breaking confidentiality......don't know how this works.


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