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A625 Mam Tor Road

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Used to go to Stockport twice a week, Earl's cement lorries used to crawl up in 1st gear most of the way up.

It was a bit dodgy going up and down in the snow and ice, when it closed we used Winnat's, that was even worse.

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Mam Tor was referred to as "the shivering mountain" in the 50s.


We used to spend a week every year at the Rotary camp up near Lose Hill.


My memory was the constant caravan of Foden Lorries going up and around the hill hauling limestone from the local quarries.


And the occasional landslide.


Also a bar of Blended Chocolate from the tuck shop in the Castleton square and a brand new American soft drink to rival Tizer, Lemonade and Dandelion & Burdock, called Pepsi Cola!

Often wondered why it was called a tor, a Dartmoor name for a hill and a shivering mountain it cant be a tor and a mountain at the same time. mam tor 1696 ft ,a mountain usually over 2000 ft.

Edited by choogling
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  • 2 weeks later...

Some fantastic pictures of the abandoned road, that I previously knew nothing about. I'm seriously going to have to visit it soon.


Here's another picture when it was in use looking down towards Castleton. Here's what it looks like now.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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