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Crime - do you care about how much crime there is?

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Are you at all bothered about how much crime there is?


The police are obssessed with keeping crime down and like showing us statistics about how little crime there is, and how it is less than another period, I fortunately haven't been a victim in a while, but you never know eh.


I am not too bothered about whether they were 100 or 200 rapes in Sheffield. Nor am I bothered if there are 10 or 100 murders. I just want to hear that the perpertraitors have been caught, punished made to repay society for the wrongs they have done and hopefully rehabilitated and released if possible.

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I am not too bothered about whether they were 100 or 200 rapes in Sheffield. Nor am I bothered if there are 10 or 100 murders. I just want to hear that the perpertraitors have been caught, punished made to repay society for the wrongs they have done and hopefully rehabilitated and released if possible.


Are you serious about this position? I'd much prefer to live in a low crime environment and have no clear up at all.


Surely the fewer victims of crime, particularly violent crime, the better?

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Are you at all bothered about how much crime there is?


The police are obssessed with keeping crime down and like showing us statistics about how little crime there is, and how it is less than another period, I fortunately haven't been a victim in a while, but you never know eh.


I am not too bothered about whether they were 100 or 200 rapes in Sheffield. Nor am I bothered if there are 10 or 100 murders. I just want to hear that the perpertraitors have been caught, punished made to repay society for the wrongs they have done and hopefully rehabilitated and released if possible.


Yes, I am bothered. Who wants to live in a society or place that is ridden with crime, regardless of whether be petty or serious.


The police are obssessed with keeping crime down.


Of course they are. That is what they are there for, after all. I would be concerned if they weren't particularly bothered about it. Thing is, the Home Office produce figures, rightly or wrongly (depending on your point of view), as a benchmark to mark police forces crime solving and such like. They need targets to determine whether they are being effective and also to determine what, if anything, can be done to improve detection rates. Unfortunately, in this day and age, stats can be massaged and thus show an incorrect view of how things really are.


I am not bothered, as long as my local police force are out in force, combating crime, detecting it, be it through proactive policing or reactive. Actually, in an ideal world, it would be great if all crime could be nipped in the bud by proactive policing.

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I'm probably more concerned with the reasons for crime and the measly resources put in place to combat it. We seem to be creating more laws to combat the end result rather than the cause. My opinion is we need to be injecting money and more importantly better resources into socially and economically deprived areas, as these are the areas that suffer most, generally.

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Money and resources do seem to go to the areas that need it.....I may be wrong but doing that doesn't seem to solve the problems in those areas.


We should get tougher on crime and gangs and protect the innocent people who get caught up in the mess and have to live with it on a daily basis.


Nobody in power seems to have a backbone to tackle these problems in a tough way.....we seem to be becoming a "look the other way" society.....and who can blame us....we might get a knife in us if we stand up to the scum.


I am not from Sheffield but have been here nearly 20 years and have seen it go downhill in a big way in that time.....so much so in fact that I am leaving in the new year, I have had enough....you have a great city but for me the problems are very visible (run down estates, feral gangs of kids, elderly too scared to go out.....) the problems the city is facing is becoming a lot worse and I can't see it getting any better in the near future.


Oh, and don't slag me off for pointing out what Sheffield is turning into....some people seem to take it as an attack on them personally....its not....maybe as an "outsider" my eyes see things differently....I don't view it through rose-tinted specs.

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I can never get too worked up by the level of crime, these days. After all, the criminals themselves, obviously , love their daily activities, and are laughing all the way to the bank.....or even laughing before or after their spell in the nick. So, they have no problem.

Vast numbers of people, either through lack of experience, stupidity, blindness or having lived in Antarctica for the last 30 years or so, maintain that there has been no real increase in crime, violent or otherwise, since time began.

The victims are more or less ignored. The police might want to do more but their hands have been tied for years and in any case they only seem to concentrate on crimes against which they have to achieve a target of some kind.

So, for the average observer, it 's all a bit sad really. As we all watch [ or watched ! ] the U.K sink into an abyss of crime, crudity, ignorance, moral imbecility, illiteracy and innumeracy, some of us got out, some of us stayed to watch the pantomime from a safe distance [ Isle of Skye ? ] or some, I suppose, just gave up, went to the pub......and got totally kettled.

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Are you at all bothered about how much crime there is?


The police are obssessed with keeping crime down and like showing us statistics about how little crime there is, and how it is less than another period, I fortunately haven't been a victim in a while, but you never know eh.


I am not too bothered about whether they were 100 or 200 rapes in Sheffield. Nor am I bothered if there are 10 or 100 murders. I just want to hear that the perpertraitors have been caught, punished made to repay society for the wrongs they have done and hopefully rehabilitated and released if possible.


I had to write an essay on crime figures last year, so obviously had to do some looking into the ins and outs of how figures are made up (and they might as well be, shame I couldn't have kept my essay to one line, and my opinion :hihi:).


To pick up on your bold - I should hope they are obsessed with keeping crime down! but I disagree that they are obsessed with figures. Or at least that that is their intention. Like with education, I think that the powers above, make them waste time and money on some of these pointless figures/targets to reassure people, who can't think for themselves.


One opinion I have based on my own experience is the police might as well give up when we have the CPS as it is.


Taken from their website:


The Crown Prosecution Service


Fair, fearless, effective



The Crown Prosecution Service is responsible for prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales.


My bold - :hihi::hihi: This could be the greatest work of fiction!

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