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Crime - do you care about how much crime there is?

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Are you serious about this position? I'd much prefer to live in a low crime environment and have no clear up at all.


Surely the fewer victims of crime, particularly violent crime, the better?


Agreed, but catching the perpetrators of those crimes is a lot more important than counting exactly how many there were.


I would suggest, for my own part, that having policemen actually walk the streets of their communities once more, would do a great deal towards fixing both problems - the numbers of crime would go down, and the ones that did still happen would be dealt with better.

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Vast numbers of people, either through lack of experience, stupidity, blindness or having lived in Antarctica for the last 30 years or so, maintain that there has been no real increase in crime, violent or otherwise, since time began.


What I don't get is how people decide they know the official figures are wrong.


Police figures are influenced by reporting behaviour and small p-politics, but I have a lot a faith in the figures from the British Crime Survey.

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  • 1 year later...

The police are doing too good a job at fighting crime. One side effect of this is that there is a lack of jobs. Murder leads to an increase in the number of undertakers, coroners and CPS staff. The taxes paid by undertakers pays towards the cost of employing extra coroners and CPS staff in the public sector; and arson leads to more glaziers and firefighters being employed, since the glass ravaged by fire has to be replaced. The taxes such as VAT paid by glazing companies pays for the extra firefighters that arson necessitates.

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I had to write an essay on crime figures last year, so obviously had to do some looking into the ins and outs of how figures are made up (and they might as well be, shame I couldn't have kept my essay to one line, and my opinion :hihi:).


To pick up on your bold - I should hope they are obsessed with keeping crime down! but I disagree that they are obsessed with figures. Or at least that that is their intention. Like with education, I think that the powers above, make them waste time and money on some of these pointless figures/targets to reassure people, who can't think for themselves.


One opinion I have based on my own experience is the police might as well give up when we have the CPS as it is.


Taken from their website:




My bold - :hihi::hihi: This could be the greatest work of fiction!


Ah the CPS. It doesnt stand for Crown Prosecution Service, its





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Crime has never bother me as i live in a good area miles away from any council estate, its great if you work hard and have decent level of living


But you don't work hard do you!! & would you believe living in a good area is sometimes a bad thing as they expect that you have higher valuables, which makes people living in good areas a target. Plus what has a council estate got to go with anything :loopy:

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i live in old ravenfield and it is too far to walk, those dumb thieves in their crap out corsa etc would stick out like a sore thumb and local will inform the police quickly so they will have no chance round where i live, go on the police website and compare it to a council estate area love

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