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Awful symptoms of anxiety and side effects of medication

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I know there are several threads started about anxiety and panic attacks I just wondered what your symptoms are if you suffer with this also if you are on medication do you get any side effects.


I myself suffer and have gone through loads of unpleasant symptoms such as breathlessness, shaking, dizziness, sweating profusely, feeling unreal like Im not really here, sort of a dreamlike state, heart palpitations, feeling of heart slowing down, aches and pains, headaches, visual disturbances. These are to name but a few, there may be be some ive missed or some you suffer with but everybody is different.


Is anybody on medication and do you suffer side effects? Ive been on medication for the past two weeks and some of the side affects are pretty much similar to feelings of anxiety and then some. Does anyone go through phases of being well one day and feeling awful the next, awful being the need to rest and hardly moving from the sofa. Feeling so weak and feeble that you cannot do anything at all? Well I have felt like that and it is horrible. Sometimes you feel like you are going insane or are more ill than you think. This is not true although it is hard to believe at times of anxiety and panic. Anyone who wants to PM me or simply leave your reply is welcome.

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The nature of the side-effects very much depends upon the medication concerned AND how long you've been taking them. Some side effects are pretty intense to start with then settle in, only to return when you come off the meds.


Others are constantly there.


Many of the physical symptoms you describe could be side effects, or could be manifestations of the panic attacks.


The side effects listed against medications can appear to be quite scary but they have to list any effect that's been experienced by more than a few people in trials - so some of the side effects listed are very rarely experienced, others are common.


If you're concerned, ring your GP and see what they think. It may be that the drugs are still 'settling in' or it maybe that the dose you're on is too high or too low, or that it's just not the drug for you.


Good Luck - being thrown in to a panic about drugs you're taking for panic attacks isn't that uncommon. Just get the information and support you need from your GP to start with.



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My heart goes out to anyone who has this problem with anxiety, ive had it for years and its ruined most of my life, but slowly things are getting better, medication did help me at one point but then depression got hold of me and things took a turn for the worse, and the medication i was on for that gave me horrid side effects. but thankfully im getting better and feel good about myself, but that alone doesnt make my life a happy one.

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Had a problem with anxiety a couple of years ago, a cancer scare and NGH took 6 weeks to inform me of results. Finished up taking SEROXAT for 6 months. The first 3 weeks on the drug are horrendous- things actually get worse, but stay with it, once it kicks in life gets a lot better. No problems since.

N G Hospital would be my last choice if I need treatment for anything else.

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I was on Seroxat 4 years ago for about 18 months or so. It takes a while to come off altogether. I did it gradually, got some withdrawal symptoms, not nice. Am now getting awful side effects from these Citalopram but doc says I should persevere for another 2 weeks and if no better then I should try something else. I just wish there was another soluction. I have tried CBT but have yet to put into practice because Im too afraid to go anywhere to test myself. Only go out to walk the dog and end up getting in a right state some days. Totally fed up now!

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Don't despair jilly. It's horrible but things will get better for you. I even have to take diazepam on really bad days., it's supposed to be addictive but It makes me feel so much calmer that I don't really care! I am careful though and try not to take it unless I feel really bad. Do you suffer from depression too? If it's just anxiety without depression propranolol is very effective at taking away the symptoms of the panic attack - it stops that shaky feeling and stops your heart from racing. x

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I think that time is the key here, most of these drugs take about 6 weeks to get to a stage where they're really effective and you've got used to the side effects. I would advise that youre really carefull when you come off them too. I cut down gradually but had problems with my 'mind cutting out' the easiest way I can describe it. Have you thought about councelling rather than drugs? Just because if there is a specific reason for your anxiety getting to the root of it may be useful? Anyway, lots of good luck and support.

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The side effects are becoming less severe than they were at first. I am still experiencing breathlessness when I go out sort of hyperventilation but not to the full extreme. I just keep saying to myself you are fine and keep on walking although some days I cant wait to get back home. I have had counselling before and attended an anxiety management group which was helpful. I guess I need to really throw myself into the CBT methods I have learnt when I start to feel a little more confident in going out. I have controlled this before and I will do it again. I know time is a big thing and patience is needed, I will do it I know I will. Thanks all for your continued replies.

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