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UFO sighting, debunk it for me

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About six weeks back and while at Avebury for the summer solstice i saw a ufo, yes, a UFO, ok, bear with me and read on, don't judge me just yet.

A bit about me.

I've been into astronomy for over 20 years, i know the night sky inside out, i've seen all the messier objects in the northern sky, i have a loft full of deep sky photographs that i've taken myself, i'm familiar with just about everything you could see in the night sky, i often take pictures of the space station, shuttle in orbit during passovers, jeez i'm such a saddo i watch all the iriduim passovers too so you know i know my way around the "heavens."


Thing is, what i saw late one summer night i just can't explain, though i'm inclined to believe it was some kind of set up due to the circumstances.


The night in question i was i was giving a "guided tour" of the skies to a party of 6 people from inside the Avebury henge / circle at about 3.30 am when the sky eventually cleared.

Well anyway i eventually got around to the constellation Lyra when on the horizon appeared what i first believe to be a satellite, i drew the parties attention to this and suggested we watch it a while, we watched it as it came almost over head and entered Lyra, what happened next i can't explain.

The object entered Lyra then stopped, up till then it behaved just like any of the thousands of satellite pass overs i've witnessed, it stopped moved back on itself then back to it's original position at which point one of the party asked if that was normal, well i said nope, satellites can't do that, i have no idea what it is, it then did something that left me gobsmacked....

Ok a little more info before i go on.

Now i'm familiar with the movements of satellites, as you may have gathered by now, the space shuttle orbits at around 17'000 miles per hour and it's speed is seemingly constant, i'm pointing this out so you know my experience on this subject.

Ok, back to the "ufo".

The object, from a stationary position shot from Lyra into cygnus within less than a second and then returned to it's original position within Lyra in the same way, instantaneous.

I know the cloud base that night was about 1000ft, the object was obscured quite a few times by the broken cloud, it did this about a dozen times over the 30 minutes or so we watched it.

Now by my estimates for something to perform these maneuvers it would have to travel at least 70 - 80'000 mph and that's being conservative, i'd say it would have maybe been nearer 250'000 mph, ok have a good laugh then read on.

Now i know from experience it's almost impossible to judge altitude and speed without certain measurements being take in the field and at the time so don't get me wrong here, i'm just basing this on the cloud base and my own observational experience.

Well moving on, i'm a level headed person, i've run astronomy groups for kids, i often take small groups satellite observing so i'm no fool when it comes to the night sky.


To get to the point, i want this debunked, myself, because of the circumstances i believe it was some elaborate hoax, a set up if you will, look at it this way.

At the altitude it was seen from Avebury it's possible it would have also been seen by the 36'000 people at Stonehenge 18 miles away that night, if my calculations are right, 36'000 people, plus the 1000 or so at Avebury who because of the atmosphere, the free flowing drink etc would be very open minded to believing "they" were here.

Thing is i know of no technology that could have been used to carry out this hoax, model aircraft as someone has suggested just couldn't move at such speeds even if fitted with mini jet engines, i've absolutely no doubt about that, even the best jet fighter couldn't perform such a maneuver covering such a tract of sky even at 300 ft altitude.

I don't for one minute believe this was visitors from another world but i'm at a loss to explain what i witnessed that night, something i've not seen the likes of in over 20 years watching the skies.

By the way, it wasn't the drone that was watching the crowd at stonehenge that night before anyone suggests that, it doesn'y fly at an high enough altitude to be seen from Avebury nor could it carry out such amazing maneuvers, it also doesn't travel silently like the object we saw did.

Please feel free to throw at me any intelligent questions you may have regarding this.

suggestions / opinions please.

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Can i just also point out i don't believe "aliens" visit us though i acknowledge it would also be silly to imagine we are alone in the universe, not that i believe any other life out there would take the same form as us or be interested in anything we have to offer other than Mr Benn's posts.

The only story about visitors from elsewhere i've found remotely interesting was the Rendlesham forest incident.

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You say you don't believe we are the only intelligent life, but also that you don't believe they would visit us.


But 'they' didn't visit us, did 'they'.

Perhaps 'they' stopped to make some repair, set off again but came back for another quick look at 'that strange planet down there - can't possibly be any intelligent life on it'

then continued on their way.

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