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UFO sighting, debunk it for me

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Oops, yes it was a typo.

As for the balloon idea, well, balloons just couldn't do what this object did.

Thinking about it again this morning i was wondering if it could have been some type of laser, it was a point of light, blue / white just like most of the stars, there was no beam/column of light though.

I'm not familiar with lasers myself but wouldn't a laser need something to reflect off ?

Can a laser create a point of light in mid air. ?

I also forgot to mention the point of light brightened and dimmed again several dozen times, sometimes whilst stationary but also whilst moving.

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could July be a simple typo ?


megalithic, have you drawn a scematic of what you observed. By that I mean the angles of movement etc


with this and the timings for movement over the angles you can estimate speeds at various heights


so at 300ft, 1000ft, 30,000, 100,etc up to astronomic distances - give me angles, timing and I can do it for you


without being familiar with the landmarks (skymarks?) you mention I have no sense of scale here


I can't see how it would be possible to even estimate it's altitude, it was definitely above 1000ft though but how high i haven't a clue. !

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what was it - an object

where was it - in the air

so it was flying - yes

do you know what it was - no

so you could not identify it - no

so it was an unidentified flying object - yes


this does not mean it was some weird interstellar craft crewed by little green/grey men come to abduct Iowa farmers and stick probes up their orifices or mutilate their livestock, it does not mean it was some ethereal spiritual presence from dimensions man is not meant to know about come to tell you your aunt Marge is doing well and is happy to see you, it does not mean it was a future historian come back in time to see what happened before we blew ourselves to bits and the cockroaches took over the planet


it means something was there, you didn't know what it was, and it was in the air


that's all it means

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what you really think it was a UFO..HA you thick idiot. Do you really think if they did come to see us they would actually stop and come and step on earth. Dont you think that if it was the other way round we would step on their planet, so sureley they would do the same. Stop being so bloody nieve.

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what was it - an object

where was it - in the air

so it was flying - yes

do you know what it was - no

so you could not identify it - no

so it was an unidentified flying object - yes


this does not mean it was some weird interstellar craft crewed by little green/grey men come to abduct Iowa farmers and stick probes up their orifices or mutilate their livestock, it does not mean it was some ethereal spiritual presence from dimensions man is not meant to know about come to tell you your aunt Marge is doing well and is happy to see you, it does not mean it was a future historian come back in time to see what happened before we blew ourselves to bits and the cockroaches took over the planet


it means something was there, you didn't know what it was, and it was in the air


that's all it means


Yup, your spot on there, but as i said in the op, i didn't think it was little green, men i expect it was a hoax due to the crowds that were massed in the area at the time.

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what you really think it was a UFO..HA you thick idiot. Do you really think if they did come to see us they would actually stop and come and step on earth. Dont you think that if it was the other way round we would step on their planet, so sureley they would do the same. Stop being so bloody nieve.


Bloody hell, by definition it was a ufo, was it aliens, i very much doubt it, don't people read the op's before commenting anymore. ?

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Bloody hell, by definition it was a ufo, was it aliens, i very much doubt it, don't people read the op's before commenting anymore. ?


Apparently not, the title's enough information for a lot of people it would seem. Perhaps it's an attention span thing.

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