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UFO sighting, debunk it for me

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I haven't bothered with the ufo sites, i presume their full of "believers" and it's not that type of discussion i'm looking for.

My question really is aimed at anyone who might know what known technology could be responsible for this sighting.

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could be a lensing effect in the atmosphere formed from a high altitude inversion layer that is showing you an image of a satellite in orbit and any apparent movement is caused by a combination of turbulence in the bulk of air forming the 'lens' and the satellite shifting in it's orbit, basically a mirage in the sky that shimmers occasionally


or even an image of a star that passed through a dense patch of air and appeared to shift until the patch shifted or dissipated


could be an experimental airplane


could be a weather balloon, a cloud vortex or shopping bag caught in high altitude jetstream turbulence that's being illuminated by sunlight reflected off the moon


could be kids with a laser pointer shining on to clouds


could be lots of things, even as you say a deliberate hoax

Edited by esme
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I haven't bothered with the ufo sites, i presume their full of "believers" and it's not that type of discussion i'm looking for.

My question really is aimed at anyone who might know what known technology could be responsible for this sighting.


I had in mind other sightings about the phenomenon that you witnessed that others may have had in or outside the area; if their map references, azimouth etc were known then perhaps the information that you are looking for might be estimated wth more certainty, as offerred by an earlier post.

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I can't see how it would be possible to even estimate it's altitude, it was definitely above 1000ft though but how high i haven't a clue. !


you dont need to, estimates of altitude are used to understand the probable speed


lets suppose the angle it is moving is say 15 degrees, and it take one second to move between through that angle, cos that makes for easy sums. Just so I can show principle :

doing the maths (hope I got it right basic trig a bit rusty)

that amount of movement occurs at 100m that comes in at 96kmh for the speed of the "object"

at 10km it is nearer 10,000km/hr

One light year from earth and it breaks the speed of light to do it



the cause of your experience can only be one of three things


1. on the ground - eg laser waving about, but would need stable target to create image

2. in the sky - so it must either have a speed and altitude or be a visual phenomenon hinted at in earler post

3. in your perception - suspect you would know

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yes fair enough but there is no such thing as a UFO..if you cant tell what it is then your thick...ive seen things in the sky before where its been hard to tell what it is but i have still worked it out...you can always identify whats in the sky..and if you cant you need your eyes testing..this post is full of freaks

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yes fair enough but there is no such thing as a UFO..if you cant tell what it is then your thick...ive seen things in the sky before where its been hard to tell what it is but i have still worked it out...you can always identify whats in the sky..and if you cant you need your eyes testing..this post is full of freaks


There's only you making idiotic comments.


Interesting thread, though I can't follow the more technical details! Will keep an eye on this to see if anyone successfully debunks it.

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a 'UFO' is what you saw, UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), you can't identify it, we don't know what it is, so it is indeed a UFO


Wether that be a military craft, something experimental, or a hobby plane... or indeed something else remains to be seen, but it's a UFO none the less :)

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yes fair enough but there is no such thing as a UFO..if you cant tell what it is then your thick...ive seen things in the sky before where its been hard to tell what it is but i have still worked it out...you can always identify whats in the sky..and if you cant you need your eyes testing..this post is full of freaks


Then will you please watch the link to the Buzz Aldrin film and tell us thick idiots and freaks (including all the astronauts and staff of NASA) exactly what the object was that was seen by the astronauts so that we can all have the benefit of your superior knowledge.

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