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Labour party & Marxism

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For some time now, I've noticed some posters on MB's or people commenting to newspaper stories referring to labour as Marxists, or commies or variations on those terms. WHich brings a couple of things to mind:


1. Nobody who has the faintest idea of what Marxism is could ever mistake labour policy for it, and Clause 4 was removed 15 years ago now so there's not even the faintest trace, and


2. The only time I have ever seen the terms used - other than with user-generated content - is on the BNP or various extremist sites such as Stormfront.


So it begs the question - is anyone who used the phrase willing to defend their use of it, or explain where they picked it up from if not from the types of sites mentioned?


Answers on the back of a copy of "The Internationale" lyric sheet :D

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I don't refer to them as Marxists. I will observe that, when it comes to the curtailing of personal freedoms, much of their policies have been replicated by Marxist governments - and also by extreme right-wing governments as well, so it really just depends which insult somebody wants to throw at them.


Economically, there's no way this current Labour party could be mistaken for a Socialist party, much less a Marxist one.

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For some time now, I've noticed some posters on MB's or people commenting to newspaper stories referring to labour as Marxists, or commies or variations on those terms. WHich brings a couple of things to mind:


1. Nobody who has the faintest idea of what Marxism is could ever mistake labour policy for it, and Clause 4 was removed 15 years ago now so there's not even the faintest trace, and


2. The only time I have ever seen the terms used - other than with user-generated content - is on the BNP or various extremist sites such as Stormfront.


So it begs the question - is anyone who used the phrase willing to defend their use of it, or explain where they picked it up from if not from the types of sites mentioned?


Answers on the back of a copy of "The Internationale" lyric sheet :D


I read in the MAIL online recently that the current defence Secretary, Bob Ainsworth, was once a 'candidate member' for the International Marxist Group", The IMG, which was a Trotskyist group active in the 1970s and 1980s, whose members at one stage had the slogan "Victory to the IRA".

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Alan Milburn was a one-time Trotskyist, Gordon Brown a student hard-Leftist, John Reid was Communist Party member, Mandelson was a member of the Young Communist League, Alastair Darling and Stephen Byers were once active Trotskyists, even Blair was a member of CND, a pro-Soviet organisation who's sole agenda was to disarm the West.


Funny how all these "ex"-communists deny any affiliation with these organisations once they have a foot on the gravy train and a snout in the trough.


Economically they are pursuing Capitalist principles - but so are the communist Chinese.


I would say that their policy of flooding the country with immigrants, many of them undesirable, in order to create a multicultural, Third-World society and of using political correctness as a tool to erode British culture and tradition is straight out of the Karl Marx handbook - so too is their attempt to have the citizen put under constant surveillance and to try and control every aspect of our lives.

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Alan Milburn was a one-time Trotskyist, Gordon Brown a student hard-Leftist, John Reid was Communist Party member, Mandelson was a member of the Young Communist League, Alastair Darling and Stephen Byers were once active Trotskyists, even Blair was a member of CND, a pro-Soviet organisation who's sole agenda was to disarm the West.


Funny how all these "ex"-communists deny any affiliation with these organisations once they have a foot on the gravy train and a snout in the trough.


Economically they are pursuing Capitalist principles - but so are the communist Chinese.


I would say that their policy of flooding the country with immigrants, many of them undesirable, in order to create a multicultural, Third-World society and of using political correctness as a tool to erode British culture and tradition is straight out of the Karl Marx handbook - so too is their attempt to have the citizen put under constant surveillance and to try and control every aspect of our lives.




CND is against ALL nuclear arms not just the west, that includes russia

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Alan Milburn was a one-time Trotskyist, Gordon Brown a student hard-Leftist, John Reid was Communist Party member, Mandelson was a member of the Young Communist League, Alastair Darling and Stephen Byers were once active Trotskyists, even Blair was a member of CND, a pro-Soviet organisation who's sole agenda was to disarm the West.


Funny how all these "ex"-communists deny any affiliation with these organisations once they have a foot on the gravy train and a snout in the trough.

So far as I'm aware they left those organisations long before they attained power.


As for them denying affiliation to groups they left long ago and the policies of which they have demonstrably not only failed to try to implement but have actively fought against, what is wrong with that? It would be wrong of them to deny a far left history but seeing as all the evidence would suggest they are no longer far left then what's wrong with them denying being far left?


Economically they are pursuing Capitalist principles - but so are the communist Chinese.

Yes and? That the regime in China manage to change from forced collectivisation to cut-throat capitalism is evidence of the flexibility of that regime not that you can simultaneously be a 'marxist' and a capitalist as the two are diametrically opposed.


I would say that their policy of flooding the country with immigrants, many of them undesirable, in order to create a multicultural, Third-World society and of using political correctness as a tool to erode British culture and tradition is straight out of the Karl Marx handbook - so too is their attempt to have the citizen put under constant surveillance and to try and control every aspect of our lives.

Really which bit of the 'Karl Marx handbook' is this?


You just seem to be following the standard far right nutbar tactic of labelling stuff you don't like 'Marxist'. By all means prove me wrong though by citing this 'Karl Marx Handbook' of yours and pointing out where it advocates "using political correctness as a tool to erode British culture" and "have the citizen put under constant surveillance and to try and control every aspect of our lives".

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nuLABORE havent been marxist, commie, leftie for over 15 years...............my grandad would be reeling in his grave at the thought


Mine would be spinning at high speed as well.


Everyone should read Das Kapital, although I admit it is way above my head. Marx, ironically, wasn't a Marxist. His pre-manifesto works are nothing less than an objective and in depth deconstruction of the capitalist system. Any serious read of it will strip away all the preconceptions you have had engrained in your mind since you were immersed at birth in this external reality that had been built long before you.


As always, many of his interpreters ("Marxists") dress in red and commit all manner of atrocities in his name... but in his name only. Historical application (or, more accurately, misapplication) of "Marxism" only highlights the perversity of political ideology when applied by a well bankrolled intellectual elite.

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