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Labour party & Marxism

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To be fair there's that rather condemning video of Nick Griffin explicitly saying that he intends to lie to the British people to attain power and that then the racism will come back, once they've got the people on their side, and once the media is under their control.


As far as I'm aware there is no similar video of a high up member of the labour party.


The BNP was probably a bad example, but the only one to come to hand at the time. The point is, the likes of Labour and their supporters will slam anyone for their pasts but ignore their own.


But I will say that nowhere in that video does Nick Griffin say he will lie. From what I saw he (then) wants to use more saleable words, which is exactly what New Labour did in the late 90's and more recently Obama in the US.

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Cultural Marxism is what we need wake up to.


Conventional Marxism failed miserably; when the workers of the world didn't unite at the outbrake of WW1, Marxists became disillusioned, and needed a plan B.


Leading Marxist/communist thinker Antonio Gramsci had a plan which he wrote in his "prison notebooks" that the workers of the world will only unite AFTER the LONG MARCH is over. In other words, if the west was to reject capitalism and embrace communism, a massive culture change was needed; so they had to get into the culture to change the way people were thinking because as long as people held dear the idea of patriotism and nation and god and country, they will always resist Marxism; Gramsci said that as long as the workers have Christianity in their hearts they will not respond to revolutionist apeals.


So traditional western culture had to be gradualy eroded if people were to embrace Communism - this is the long march Gramsci spoke of.


You seemed to have swallowed Laclau's interpretation of Gramsci's theories lock, stock and barrel!

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I can tell you what I dislike about them:-

The fact that the instances we have seen of communism is that state is more important than the individual! It should be equal not above & beyond.


All this ideology that everyone is equal is nonsense!


I spent most of my life just doing a job. 'Statements' were something the Bank sent me; nothing to do with doing my job.


Then I went to work for an organisation which was (I subsequently realised) more concerned with the impression (more of a facade) which it provided to the public than it was with the value of the service it provided to the public. The people 'at the sharp end' - the people who did the work - Were concerned about how well they did their jobs. The others (bosses) were concerned with how well those people were perceived to be doing their jobs. - I'm not going to tell you who I worked for - you paid a fortune and notwithstanding that most of the money went on hiring the right people for the right jobs, there was enough 'misappropriation' to ensure that the job wasn't done.


One of the 'statements' - a 'truth' we were obliged to swear to - was 'all people are born equal. All remain equal and all will be treated equally.'


'All will be treated equally' - Well, no problem with that.


'All people are born equal?' Get real! If you're only born with one leg, how does that make you equal to somebody who was born with two?


One of my students had suffered a stroke (aged 12.) Sad. No brain damage, but massive motor control damage. She was 'born equal' alright, but she had only one arm which worked (I was her other arm.)


My Labour party voting socialist-indoctrinated head teacher wanted me to sign a 'statement' which said: 'All children are equal.' Had I done that, then we could have written her off. Not all kids are born equal; some need help ... but if the government can persuade you to say they're all equal, then you don't have any comeback later.


The Labour party didn't help her, not did socialism, nor did the Lib Dems, nor did the Conservatives. I helped her (that was my job.)(She was also my student.) I refused to sign and we got extra money to help her. - I don't know whether the two were linked, but shouting works.


Our children are our future. I don't trust the government (any government) to safeguard our future.


It's up to the parents to do so.


It's no good 'standing on ceremony' - If your local councillor/MP doesn't do what you want him/her to do, then stand on him. If you're not heavy enough, take 20 of your friends around and stand on him. (If you don't manage to persuade him/her, you'll probably be entitled to a new one ;)) - 'Fair wear and tear'


Labour party & Marxism


if only. even the odd bit of genuine socialism'd be nice.


Please define 'Genuine Socialism' - but let the definition not include 'Somebody else goes out to work, I sit on my arse and take the money.'

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New Labour's economic policies are entirely capitalist but its social policies have proved to be entirely Marxist and dozens of its senior leaders claim to be "former" Communists. Naturally, creating a Police State that Britain has become under the Red Regime comes so easily to Communists.


i saw a republican hate-monger on Fox say that the biggest threat to freedom was the evil of


social justice


i happen to think that's a nasty attitude, a cheap excuse to be obnoxiously self-centred.


socialism ftw.

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