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Happy Yorkshire day

Guest rosie

Are you proud of Yorkshire?  

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All Yorkshire Men & Women Should Repeat This Today.


The Yorkshire Declaration Of Integrity.


I (your name), being a resident of the (West/North/East) Riding of Yorkshire declare;


that Yorkshire is three Ridings and the City of York, with these boundaries of 1124 years standing;

that the address of all places in these Ridings is Yorkshire;

that all persons born therein or resident therein and loyal to the Ridings are Yorkshire- men and women;

that any person or corporate body which deliberately ignores or denies the aforementioned shall forfeit all claim to Yorkshire status.


These declarations made this Yorkshire Day 2005.




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Why don' t we go all out and elect an unofficial President ? If it was unofficial ,then the government couldn't ban it.

In any case , they wouldn't ban our bit of independence as one of their own would be President of Yorkshire--------none other , of course than Sir John Prescott.

Our patron saint could be Freddy Trueman or Len Hutton and we could have huge banners , in the old Soviet style , of David Blunkett , flying all over Yorkshire.

Our own flag of course would be a large Yorkshire pudding sitting on top of York Minster , with Ilkley Moor as a back-drop.

Who would be in charge of Foreign Affairs , though ? We'd need somebody to negotiate with Lancashire.

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What happened to South Yorkshire then mOcbt? Has it been banned for being politically incorrect?


Sheffield forum? Sheffield part of South Yorkshire - though almost the other way round. Where is South Yorkshire in your declaration?





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We did not steal those bits of Derbyshire - we bought them. Hey! If they people in Derbyshire want the benefits of belonging to Sheffield then who are we to stop them? And the bits are pretty damned big - at least two thirds of derbyshire now come under city control me thinks - though this is all pretty blurred - like the fact that Sheffield boundries head out towards Stocksbridge but miss out a little village in the route between the two towns - a small independant island, unless that has also changed.


We just need to keep stretching those boundries and have the County of Sheffield rather than South Yorkshire. ;)


O' this is all so tongue in cheek.



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I drove thru Stocksbridge yesterday, Oh sorry, that was Stockbridge, a lovely small town in Massachusetts, the town that James Taylor sang about in Sweet baby James about the road from Stockbridge to Boston. I also went thru Sheffield, a village so small that if you blink you miss it, not even a pub. Not quite like its namesake. No tongue in cheek this time. Sheffield earned its right to expand.

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Yes , I'm sure if we had Independence we could come to some sort of a deal with our friends and brothers in Lancashire----------daft , tight and prejudicial though they are.

People have to pass through Lancashire or Yorkshire to get from the far North to the Midlands or the South ; though why anybody would want to go in either direction baffles me.

Anyway we could have Lancs-Yorks. road tolls and all the misguided punters would have to cough up , say , a tenner to travel over our terra firma. Only those crafty buggers who went by sea or air would escape.Even walkers could afford a fiver.

With all the money collected we could use it for cultural events , such as :--"Sup All Day for Nowt " events or a ,"Beer and Clog Dancing Festival". There would be no falling out or silly arguments about the cash share--out , as long as Sheffield got more than Leeds.

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