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1955 teenagers,better then or now


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I think I would rather be a teenager now.

You have so much choice with very few restrictions.

You have a whole lot of clothes designed specially for you.

In my days, the 50's, I wore either childrens clothes or adult clothes and no choice in between.

No tights-- only choice of socks or stockings.

I know it's a youngmans/oldmans fantasy but no joke to me

when having to wear them for school in the winter and held up by suspenders.


You have a knowledge of sex whiich we/I certainly didn't have with the neccessary biirth control equipment to go with it. whether you make the right choices to go with it--- is up to you but at least you have a choice. And if things go wrong you have all the help and encouragement at hand to hep you out.


The poor souls in my day who were unfortunate to be pregnant had to hang their heads in shame or go to a back st abortionist.

I never went down that path but a cousin did and it ruined her life.


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Its exactly these massive choices that in many ways makes it worse to be a teenager today.


Having the wrong type of clothing type of mobile can make them social outcasts.


Teenagers are more worried today about sex than they should be and whilst getting pregnant at 14 or so in the 50's was relatively rare it now is increasingly more common.


In conclusion the 50's there were hardly and choices everything was simple today its complicated and because of this, I think there are many miserable teenagers in today's world.

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hi Mosey

I know what you are saying, but I still think my/our lives would have been different if I had had the knowledge that the teenagers have today.

Its difficult to go back without taking with me the ??wisdom I have collected throughout the years.

Perhaps our/my innocence protected us but I don't think so I think we would have been better off knowing what life was about.

One of the things I think was better was the job situation, We could go from one job to another with plenty of choice. Leave one day and start work the next at a different place.

But remember no television, no computers, no central heating, ink fountain pens, coal fires, freezing in the mornings when you got up, no showers, what could I have done with all these things available now especialy computer.


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Originally posted by Mosey

Obviously its very difficult to compare, but what is it about being a teenager in 1955 that you would consider better than being one now?



Well to start with teenagers in the 50,s were a lot more

friendly to each other, we dident have all the things they

have these days but we were a lot happier.


Teenagers today get everything they want ,so why do they

allways want more, and why are they so miserable.

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