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Does anyone remember the old mine on loxely common?

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I remember as a kid going for walks with the dogs over Loxely and there was an old mine shaft. They was a stream running from the mine with crystal clear water that tasted so bad dogs would not drink it. I understand cyanide used to be used in gold mining but I can't imagine a gold rush up there! Does anyone know what it was used for (apart from trapping dogs that chased rabbits into the old air vents):?:

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I remember going up there with my sister when I was little. She picked me up and threw me in a patch of willow weed and I was almost blinded by a twig that went behind my eyeball. I had to wear an eyepatch for six months and all the local kids would follow me down the street chanting "Cap'n Pugwash!". It was the making of me though and now I thank her for doing it.

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There were three gannister mines on Loxley Common - one on Long Lane opposite the end of Myers lane, and a couple more on the path down to Loxley House. Although I think these two are properly on Wadsley Common.


They would probably have had coal extracted too as gannister generally lies under the coal measures.


On the 1855 map the area is littered with 'old coal shafts'

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Originally posted by gularscute

I remember going up there with my sister when I was little. She picked me up and threw me in a patch of willow weed and I was almost blinded by a twig that went behind my eyeball. I had to wear an eyepatch for six months and all the local kids would follow me down the street chanting "Cap'n Pugwash!". It was the making of me though and now I thank her for doing it.

Gosh, how could you thank her for nearly blinding you? Maybe it was the evil spirits of the mine that made her do it or were you a particular annoying brother?


Did I hear somewhere that the loxley common miners were Nicknamed 'Yellow Necks?' Maybe I dreamt it.


I didn't realise coal was mined up there but it's a bit of a coincidence that one of you mentioned brothers and sisters and the other mentioned coal. It brought back memories of my younger brother stealing my kohl eyeliner for spite - spooky:suspect:

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I heard that in the 70s/80s, Sheffield University personnel analysed the water from the stream that flows from an underground source near Bower cottage. I don't know anything about their findings but that water had a foul taste and undrinkable no matter how thirsty or fearless of microbes you were.

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Originally posted by gularscute

I heard that in the 70s/80s, Sheffield University personnel analysed the water from the stream that flows from an underground source near Bower cottage. I don't know anything about their findings but that water had a foul taste and undrinkable no matter how thirsty or fearless of microbes you were.

But someone told me they used cyanide in mining in those days - and my dad was always encouraging me to taste the nasty water! You don't think he knew and was trying to kill me, do you?:o
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Originally posted by gularscute

I heard that in the 70s/80s, Sheffield University personnel analysed the water from the stream that flows from an underground source near Bower cottage. I don't know anything about their findings but that water had a foul taste and undrinkable no matter how thirsty or fearless of microbes you were.

You have really worried me now. He used to make us 'pea shooters' out of hemlock stems, when I realised what the hollow plants he used were a few years ago, he said " I always wondered why you got headaches after using them" I think my dad was trying to poison me! eeeek
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  • 2 months later...

There were several Gannister mines on Loxley and Wadsley Common. I have researched this industry and given many talks about it. Recently I have had a book published about the history of these mines in the Sheffield area, although it concentrates on the area you are enquiring about. It is called "The Forgotten Mines of Sheffield," and has lots of photos and diagrams.

For details enter GANNISTER on a search engine, limiting your choice to British sites only, and the site will usually appear as the first or second on the list. The site is an AOL Hometime address and so the web address is very complicated. The book is available in Waterstones, W.H. Smiths and other Sheffield bookshops. It is also listed on Amazon.(ISBN 1-901-587-40-1)

Or contact me at Raybats@aol.com


Ray Battye

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Originally posted by Wednesday61

There were several Gannister mines on Loxley and Wadsley Common. I have researched this industry and given many talks about it. Recently I have had a book published about the history of these mines in the Sheffield area although it concentrates on the area you are enquiring about. It is called "The Forgotten Mines of Sheffield," and has lots of photos and diagrams.

For details enter GANNISTER on a search engine, limiting your choice to British sites only, and the site will usually appear as the first or second on the list. The site is an AOL Hometime address and so the web address is very complicated.

Or contact me at Raybats@aol.com


Ray Battye

Thanks for the info! I went to school with two girls who's second name was Batty! Andrea and alice Batty
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