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Who is highest ranking taekwondo person in south yorkshire

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The myth??? The myth that Taekwondo does not teach you how to kill someone with a chair? I went throughout school being terrified of a group of geeks in my year who were white and yellow belts in TKD all because one of them dropped a hint that they were learning how to kill someone with a chair. I asked them if they could be done for murder if they actually DID kill someone with said chair, the answer I got was that if i started on them it would be OK as it was in "self defense" as they had a "license to practise TKD in a public place for self defense purposes".


I tried to befriend one of those geeks (being asian and living in Sharrow at a posh school like silverdale, befriending geeks was almost impossible as they thought we were going to mug them!!!) in the hope that he would show me how this "chair kill " technique works!!!

No luck there. As it was supposedly a "secret killing technique" .


I have no learned HOW to kill someone with a chair.


1. Take a chair from a pub table (or buy one from a hardware store)

2. Clean the chair ( You dont want to get an infection)

3. Lift the chair high above your head.

4. Let out a loud "KIHAP" (korean for a Kiai)

5. Make the sign of a cross if you are a catholic or shout the "takbir" if you are a muslim (if buddhist then do the Ram muay?) . If you are neither then go straight to step 6.

6. Smash the chair over bad guy's head!

7. Wait

8. Call an ambulance.

9. RUN!!!


If the above works, everyone will be like HOLY COW!!!

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HI ox ma - Ive only done a little TKD under Kim Stones and the TAGB

Just out of curiosity, at which venue, or in what year?


I too trained under Kim Stones before the whole thing got to be more commercial than martial arts orientated


Many years later, my training having lapsed, I trained at one of his academies wearing a white belt. I was disappointed to be able to pick points off one of the black belts who had begun his training since I'd left in a point and stop sparring session. I was dying for him to ask who'd taught me to do it though :hihi:

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