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Looking for relatives, Muriel and Cynthia Allen

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Hello everybody in Sheffield. I wonder if anyone can help me. I’m trying to trace any of my distant relatives who, I believe are still living in Sheffield. Last year I started work on a family tree research project and it’s slowly grown and grown, till at the moment, I have 175 relatives on it dating back to the early 1700’s. Unfortunately, I have lost trace of a couple of cousins who I know lived in Sheffield. They were Muriel and Cynthia Allen. Allen, being their maiden name and the only name I know of. I would presume that they are married but I don’t know of any married names. Their Father, Joe, lived in Lord Street up to about thirty years ago. My father, Jack, was his brother and sadly they have all now passed away and hence the problem of where people are. If anyone recollects them or has any info that might help me trace them I would be very grateful.


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I don't know if this is helpful, but a "shot in the dark" can sometimes bring results, and this is what I have found after a few minutes' research:


A Cynthia Allen was born in Sheffield in July-Sept. 1948.

A Cynthia Allen married an Anthony E. Hall in Sheffield in July-Sept. 1970.

An Anthony Edward Hall, born 6.1.1945, died in Sheffield in February 1998.


The 2003 electoral roll (which I have on a CD) lists two people in Sheffield with the name Cynthia Hall - PM me if you would like the addresses. Best of luck in your quest!

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Hi hillsbro, Many thanks for your time and effort. I've receintly got into this family tree business and find it addictive. I was born in Stafford street 1n 1943 but my family moved away from Sheffield to London when I was about 4 and only now juring retirement have I felt the need to say hello to one's distant family. I did have a distant cousin called Cynthia Allen who I met once or twice when I was very young and it would be nice to meet her again, if she feels the same. So, any addresses you have regarding Cynthia Hall would be a great help as I could look them up in the telephone directory. By the way how did you find out all this information? Are you an expert in finding out about family tree history? I have used the ancestry web site a little and found it helpful but do not know of any other helpful web sites that don't cost a fortune. I need to come up to Sheffield sometime to go further back into my family history which I know was mostly in the steel industry of the city. thanks again. drewbeloo :help::help::help:

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Hi drewbeloo - apart from my own family history which I've traced back several centuries I quite like this sort of research and I have subscriptions to ancestry.com and findmypast.co.uk. The 2003 and 2004 electoral rolls (produced on CDs by 192.com) are also useful; they used to sell the CDs but now it seems that for more recent electoral rolls you have to subscribe to their site on a pay-to-view basis. Over the years I've reunited a number of forummers with their long-lost relatives!


I'll PM the two addresses, though neither Cynthia Hall seems to be listed by BT.

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Hi hillsbro, thanks again for the info, I will try writing a letter to the two Cynthia's to see if they are a relative of mine. Hopefully they won't mind. As Sheffield is only a few miles away from Nottingham, where I now live. If Ifind either one of my lost family members its not far to go to say hello.

Thanks again for your time


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