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Smoking outside pubs


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Is anyone else sick of negotiating smokers blocking the entrance to pubs? The doorways are littered with cigarette ends and gangs of people obstructing the doorway. I used to enjoy eating alfresco at the Golden Ball in Whiston, but these days the garden terraces are full of people smoking, not a place you want to sit and have meal amidst these people.

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What would be a cracking idea would be to let the smokers smoke inside, perhaps in a dedicated room or area and then be able to enjoy their pint at the same time!


That way, other pub-goers wouldn't have to work their way through a ring of smoke on their way into and out of the pub.


But no, you can only do that in civilised places like Spain. Here, you're supposed to do as you're told even if the result is something like 52 pubs a week closing down and tens of thousands of people losing their jobs/businesses (and thus, income).

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What would be a cracking idea would be to let the smokers smoke inside, perhaps in a dedicated room or area and then be able to enjoy their pint at the same time!


That way, other pub-goers wouldn't have to work their way through a ring of smoke on their way into and out of the pub.


But no, you can only do that in civilised places like Spain. Here, you're supposed to do as you're told even if the result is something like 52 pubs a week closing down and tens of thousands of people losing their jobs/businesses (and thus, income).



So true

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I used to enjoy eating alfresco at the Golden Ball in Whiston, but these days the garden terraces are full of people smoking, not a place you want to sit and have meal amidst these people.


There are plenty of non smoking tables inside to eat at. You can't have it all ways.

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I too am fed up of this problem. There needs to be a no smoking zone set-up around entrances to pubs and clubs, strictly enforced by cameras that could be monitored by people in newly created posts in control rooms in the city centre, linked to loudspeakers to warn miscreants of any infringements.


We could be the first city in Europe to have a city-centre total exclusion zone. Driving to the jam on the parkway this morning, the first three people I saw were puffing on fags, two pushing buggies and the third looked older than god's dog. It's for their own good.

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I too am fed up of this problem. There needs to be a no smoking zone set-up around entrances to pubs and clubs, strictly enforced by cameras that could be monitored by people in newly created posts in control rooms in the city centre, linked to loudspeakers to warn miscreants of any infringements.


We could be the first city in Europe to have a city-centre total exclusion zone. Driving to the jam on the parkway this morning, the first three people I saw were puffing on fags, two pushing buggies and the third looked older than god's dog. It's for their own good.


there is a area around door ways to be kept clear not from smokers for health and safty for fire ext


on the other hand i was in dublin over the weekend they had lots pubs that had literly cut large sectins out of roof so smoke in over 75% of the pub floor space. literly 6 foot from bar was allowed.there wasent any problems that i saw from this.

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there is a area around door ways to be kept clear not from smokers for health and safty for fire ext


on the other hand i was in dublin over the weekend they had lots pubs that had literly cut large sectins out of roof so smoke in over 75% of the pub floor space. literly 6 foot from bar was allowed.there wasent any problems that i saw from this.


Why cater for the needs of addicts? Listen to yourself, cutting sectins out of the roof so people could smoke. What do they do when it rains? Huddle in the remaining 25% of the building that has a roof?

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Why cater for the needs of addicts? Listen to yourself, cutting sectins out of the roof so people could smoke. What do they do when it rains? Huddle in the remaining 25% of the building that has a roof?

More intriguing though is why it angers you so much?

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