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Smoking outside pubs


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Why not stop all these double standards..........make cigarettes illegal....take them out of the shops altogether.......

Then ban motor cars and all forms of transport that is not powered by electrcity.

Then cull every cow, sheep , pig in the world....this will stop the pollution through these animals passing wind....have you heard about the methane cloud that hangs over Australia.

And when we have done with all the banning perhaps the bleeding heart liberals will find something else to moan about.

By the way when the smoking ban came in in Sweden..the Sewdes told the Government to forget or they would be putting 70% of the population into court. The Swedes abandoned the whole project.

Cannot wait to fly in an electric aeroplane....................

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Why not stop all these double standards..........make cigarettes illegal....take them out of the shops altogether.......

Then ban motor cars and all forms of transport that is not powered by electrcity.

Then cull every cow, sheep , pig in the world....this will stop the pollution through these animals passing wind....have you heard about the methane cloud that hangs over Australia.

And when we have done with all the banning perhaps the bleeding heart liberals will find something else to moan about.

By the way when the smoking ban came in in Sweden..the Sewdes told the Government to forget or they would be putting 70% of the population into court. The Swedes abandoned the whole project.

Cannot wait to fly in an electric aeroplane....................


I agree wholeheartedly with you but of course we should not stop there. Electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels, let's stop using electricity.


As for those people who complain about eating outside in a smoky atmosphere:



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Dont you find that all these morans who are anti this and anti that are the ones who do it because it is PC....Not for them to try and understand the benefits of nicotine....and before you all fire off...ask any doctor....and more to the point if tobacco WAS bad for you then why have not the Goverment criminalised it as they have done with cannabis.

I will bet anything that they show one face to the public and quite another indoors.

It is no different to CND protesters...when that ran out of steam they hung their hats on another cause.Pity that cause wasnt going out and finding gainful employment.

The anti smoking lobby got their way at first will "little " bans but nobody realised that this was only the thin end of the wedge. Then came the full blown ban that has crippled public houses throughout the land.Come on ASH lobby to have the cigarette firms closed down and put every last employee on the dole.

Does Ash care .....of course not....they are not interested in how many people their cause has put out of work, but when challenged about this they point to the supermarkets for selling drinks below pub prices. Supermarkets sell food below corner shop prices...that has not put the corner shop out of business.

Where and when will it all end....will the day ever come when ASH and all the other "noble" causes who have turned this once proud nation into a herd of cringing nobodies finally have no other causes to fight...........Remember the line from Gladiator..

"Ah..Maximus...there is always somebody to fight"

Question...........How are the people who work for ASH paid....and who pays them.....

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I could give up my car for a week. I doubt you could give up your cigarettes for even a day.
Meh. I gave up the fags five weeks ago after smoking for 7 years. Easiest thing I ever did.


I like cigarettes. Really I do. Same with plenty other smokers/ex-smokers. We are no more passive victims of an addictive substance than you are a passive victim of your chronic self-righteousness. I can give up when I want. So can you. :)

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Oh my god you can't have it all ways!!! I can't believe the irony of someone saying they noticed smokers while driving on park way and we should have a city centre exclusion!!! And talking about smokers bothering you when you are at the pub - yes I am sure your liver will be very upset that your lungs are getting a head start on it getting damaged!!


I know drinking does not have passive effects, which is the whole argument about smoking, but your car and city centre life in general has just as much effect on us as smoking, so how far do you want to go with this city centre exclusion? Exclude us from living modern life at all??


So you have to move out of the way a bit when you leave the pub, the pub you have just sat inside in clean air thanks to your Government, while smokers who are doing something by choice and legally, which was legal to do in public and inside for years and years, are now forced to go outside.


Thousands of pubs in Ireland are already shut, do you want your entire city centre to shut down?


There should be seperate smoking rooms in establishments that want to carry on any kind of business, but if this cannot happen, can people at least stop bitching about people smoking OUTSIDE for god's sake?! It works in LA with no stress or drama.


And no, I don't smoke!


Alcohol will evaporate, albeit it slowly. Inside a pub you will be inhaling gaseous alcohol vapour (no wonder a pint feels stronger in a pub).

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As a smoker, and a non-driver, I refuse to take criticism from anyone who owns a car. The fact is that cars pollute the atmosphere more than cigarettes do. Most of the non-smokers who complain about tobacco smoke are more than happy to sit in traffic, or walk down a busy street, inhaling exhuast fumes.

You give up your car, I'll give up my ciggies.

Do you own a car, Bilbo?


Who ever heard of a Hobbit with a car? The best I can do is a ride on Gandalf's cart.

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The majority of non-smokers I know wish they would bring smoking back inside pubs. It covered up the now wonderful smell of BO and trumps!


Strange how the non-smokers complain about the smokers outside only during the summer. I recommend they try sitting in a beer garden in November. Its somewhat chilly...............

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