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Wild ring necked parakeet's in sheffield ??

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  • 10 months later...

At the ungodly hour of 6am this morning as I was snoring my head off my better half heard a racket outside which she last heard in Tenerife!.Loud squarks coming from two green parakeets who had landed in separate trees across our neighbors gardens,they stayed around for a quarter of an hour or so before moving on!.I know parakeets have been spotted in Sheffield before and I wonder if they are starting to move en masse up our neck of the woods,they are profuse down sarf as soft fruit farmers and vineyards will testify to!.I like them myself but when they colonise indigenous birds move out so I have been told,anyway has any one else spotted any of these gregarious creatures at this time in Sheffield?.

Edited by old tup
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There was at least one or a pair on the Transpennine Trail near us - bright green with red beaks apparently.


I used to fish near the TPT and never saw any, haven't seen in any in rother valley over the summer either, or my many trips to Holbrook industrial estate, although to fair I wasn't looking for them. But they're very distinctive I'm annoyed I haven't seen them.


I will seek them out!

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