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Police treatment of away fans


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After the events of the weekend, and the events of last night between Cardiff and West Ham, do the police have a lot to answer for when there is violence?


Could they be deemed just as culpable for trouble as the fans themselves?


All I will say is that I have seen the police mishandle situations at various grounds across the country, and I am by no means suggesting that the fans are innocent either.

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I've been at Old Trafford when it's got a bit spicy between rival fans outside the ground after the game (like last Sunday with Arsenal for example). We were annoyed that the stewards hadn't kept the away fans in the ground for a bit at the end of the game. That allows the 99% of fans who want to get home safely do just that. Then if there are any fans hanging round who want to start a fight at least innocent people aren't getting caught up in it as well and at least the police can see who the trouble makers are. I've been squashed in crowds that policemen on horses have tried to move away from the away fans cos it was getting heated. We were so squashed that we couldn't move. Then the police use megaphones saying "Keep moving, keep moving". Yeah right, where to? You're f**king squashing us! :x . Crazy... Meanwhile kids and people in wheelchairs are getting squashed too. Maybe I'm being naive in thinking that keeping away fans in the ground for a while will solve any potential problems, but it's surely a common sense place to start?!

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know what would solve 90% of problems with football fans on match days? Shut the pubs till after the matches, that way fans can't get drunk before the game, cos it's drunken-ness that makes them cause trouble.


So take away the thing that makes them get drunk in the first, place, ie the pub, and they'll behave better, although having said that there are morons whose sole aim is not to go and watch 22 blokes kick a plastic ball around on a field for an hour and half, but to cause as much trouble as possible, and it's these kind of people that the law should come down on like a ton of bricks but it doesn't, slap a couple of hundred quid fine on them, a month languishing at Her Majesty's pleasure at worst, and that's it.

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  • 2 months later...

So you wanna close the pubs down Rich, so where do I go for a Saturday pint with my mates then flower ?


It is a fact that the `fuzz` increase tensions and often are the cause of trouble with footy fans, with there strong arm approach.


There is a complex social psychology to football fans, dont be so quick to judge them all.


What I think we should have is the mounted Bobbies carrying `poopa scoopas` around with them.


Everyone would surely be to busy p*ssing themselves laughing to want to fight!



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Originally posted by venger

So you wanna close the pubs down Rich, so where do I go for a Saturday pint with my mates then flower ?


LoL! well put!.. could always do as the homeless drunks do-


1x Bottle of Vodka

1x Brown Bag

1x Small Cup


Job's a good 'un :lol:

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