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How to loose love handles?? i have a fat back and dont like it!!

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alright i know the obvious.. situps and side crunches, cardio fitness e.g running and cycling but does anything else target this hard area apart from situps and crunches cos' man i hate em! i mean im not fat @ 12 sotne 5 lb and 5ft 11" but I just have fat here! whats that all about????

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Its down to diet - cut down or cut out fats -

humans are animals and we store fat that we take in, in case we have to survive a few days with out food. We store fat around our middles, so it true when you 'say a minute in you lips and a life time on your hips' lol


search the internet for a good dietician site theres loads out there - but no fad diets it has to be somthing your comfortable with.

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thanks for the replys everyone, I have only seriously been training for about 6-7 weeks and can already see a difference in my phisique and have started eating correctly, chicken,fish,brown rice veg etc, so will just percivere! thanks again. J

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  • 3 years later...


Jimmy, you need to do the natural stuff. If someone tells you that fat in a specific area can be targeted. Its a FAT LIE. You need to cut down on your carbohydrate intake. The best advice anyone can give you is to stay away from oily things, cheese and sweet dishes.

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