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Jeremy Vine Show - How often do you bath/shower

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I shower at least once a day. But I have to, I would hum to high heaven if I didn't wash frequently. Some people don't seem to need to. My father had a bath something like once a year**, but never smelled of BO. If I tried that, I'd be condemned as a health hazard.



**Yes, slight over exaggeration!

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Has anyone else noticed that the smelliest people on public transport are normally asylum seekers? I know that in different cultures they don't have access to clean water as often as we do, but what's their excuse once they're over here?


How can you tell their immigration status just by looking at them?

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You tell me, you're the bigot that makes all the judgements based on people's appearance.


More name-calling when you're losing an argument, it's all a bit childish isn't it? Are you going to apologise for calling me a racist earlier or are you going to pretend you never said it after our posts got deleted?

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More name-calling when you're losing an argument, it's all a bit childish isn't it? Are you going to apologise for calling me a racist earlier or are you going to pretend you never said it after our posts got deleted?


I never did you lying fool.

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Now now folks its not worth getting into an argument, its each to their own I say if people want to shower everyday then thats ok, every other day like me then thats fine too, once a week might be pushing it but you should freshen up in between, if you think you stink then odds on others will think so too.

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