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Blatent Sexism And Discrimination


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I was recently told my one of my friends that you can go to a certain bar on Ecclesall Road on Tuesday nights and if your are a woman you get drinks for £1 whereas men have to pay the full amount?


I was shocked that this is legal and I believe its just another sign of how Men are being discriminated against time after time but stay quiet about it?


Does anyone know of any law that would prevent them from doing this or are you allowed to charge someone less for the same product just because of their gender?


It would be interesting to see what would happen if they charged different prices based on ethnic background/age etc


I didnt want to mention the bar's name incase i broke forum rules and was unsure of the rules but I will add the name of the bar if anyone can also clear that up for me?

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Does anyone know of any law that would prevent them from doing this or are you allowed to charge someone less for the same product just because of their sexuality?


My bold. So, gay people pay less for drinks? I'm on the wrong side here! :hihi:

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What free drinks or free entry?


neither to be honest - although the types of bars and pubs i have worked in would not offer such promotions (they didnt do any!) so i was not aware of such deals ... i just wonder what would happen if they had a price list like:


White People £1.50

Black People £1

Chinese People £0.80




18-21yrs old £1.50

22-30yrs old £1

30+yrs old £2




Straight People £1.50

Gay People £1

Bi-Sexual £0.80


there would be an absolute uproar, and rightly so

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Yep blatant sexism - but when you're out on the trawl it doesn;t matter.If the drinks are cheap and you pull it could be a cheap night 'cos she's half cut anyway. Similarly with the "old" night clubs meet them inside and you've saved.

Women attract the men - cheap drinks/entry attract the women.


There would be no significant benefit for any inducements based on colour or race or even sexuality imho.

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I would say that as a man i'm probably slightly aggrieved at this but then again i'm tight fisted. But as a bloke on the pull i wouldn't care one jot - legal or not. We have ladies days everywhere but very very rarely a men only event.

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