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Just joined Virgin Gym

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I joined Virgin before it opened so was there from day one til a couple of months ago. I loved it at first but then the scale of the place (especially upstairs in the gym) rather got to me and I started to feel intimidated by all the equipment and the rows of people on treadmills and steppers etc all facing the weights area and then gradually I guiltily came to realise that I hadn't been for months and the only pounds I was losing were the (you know the rest of the sentence...)


I think it was £40 a month on dd but kids can go for an extra tenner. And there are LOADS of interesting classes for children, so from that point of view I'd really recommend it. Tho the spa suite is brill and there's the onsite café and the library area and the pcs for (free) internet access and the Virgin Vie shop and beauty treatment rooms if you fancy a (paid for) massage or pedicure....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


Now I go to the council-run gym at Graves Leisure Centre. It's much much smaller and no-where near as posh, but I like its smallness and I like the fact that there are only three attendants/trainers and because it's smaller you tend to talk to the other attendees more. Only a smidge of chat and a wave as you go, but I was getting to be like the loony on the bus when I was at Virgin - striking up conversation with people just to make contact with someone, 'else I'd go in and come out without having exchanged a word the whole time I was in there.


Small works for me on this occasion! :hihi:

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I used to be a founder member of the Preston Virgin (the first one that opened) but when I moved to Sheffield I had to give up my membership. I agree with posters that the facilities are first rate and that it's easy to feel motivated to exercise.


I do, however, have one gripe with Virgin. When they opened the Preston Virgin their main selling point was that they were, "Refreshingly different.... with no rip-off joining fees" - it's funny how they've now u-turned on what was a unique selling point for their product. It would be interesting to pose the question to Richard, "Given your initial marketing campaign for Virgin Active and subsequent u-turn in policy, do you concede that Virgin Active is now 'ripping-off' customers?"


I would love to see him wriggle out of that. :hihi:

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Originally posted by Saifa

I particularly liked the spa and the boxing stuff. Only downside it is seems to be getting busier and busier and this was putting me off going on a week night to a degree.


It is getting very difficult to have a decent swim most week nights, unless you wait until quite late in the evening, after about 7pm, but thats a minor problem.


One way to get out of the joining fee is to say something like "Yeah, I'm realy interested in joining but I'm a bit broke this month so I'll have to join next month when I've saved-up the joining fee", they will wipe the joining fee just to get you to join there and then. Well, they did for me.

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Originally posted by SHsheff

Now I go to the council-run gym at Graves Leisure Centre. It's much much smaller and no-where near as posh, but I like its smallness and I like the fact that there are only three attendants/trainers and because it's smaller you tend to talk to the other attendees more. Only a smidge of chat and a wave as you go, but I was getting to be like the loony on the bus when I was at Virgin - striking up conversation with people just to make contact with someone, 'else I'd go in and come out without having exchanged a word the whole time I was in there.


Aye, smaller gyms are better, you get to know the regulars and the people better with means you can have a bit of a laugh with the other people rather then blanky staring at a wall. plus its great when doing weights because there are peole there that will help you push yourself a bit more.



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Originally posted by Joelc

Aye, smaller gyms are better, you get to know the regulars and the people better with means you can have a bit of a laugh with the other people rather then blanky staring at a wall. plus its great when doing weights because there are peole there that will help you push yourself a bit more.




True. Tho I was introduced to the joys of those big squishy ball-thingies yesterday and I'm going to have to wait til there are no people around before I really test it out. Couldn't shake off the suspicion when I lay back on the beast (y'know, while holding your ears?) that it was going to squish right out from under me as I sat up....... far too many people (three which was three too many!) running behind me on treadmills for my liking for a public squishing accident. Gonna look for a time when there's no-one around before testing it to extremes. Now you'd never get that opportunity for privacy at Virgin. Someone would DEFINITELY see you....and not laugh, which would be even worse!



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Originally posted by SHsheff

True. Tho I was introduced to the joys of those big squishy ball-thingies yesterday and I'm going to have to wait til there are no people around before I really test it out. Couldn't shake off the suspicion when I lay back on the beast (y'know, while holding your ears?) that it was going to squish right out from under me as I sat up....... far too many people (three which was three too many!) running behind me on treadmills for my liking for a public squishing accident. Gonna look for a time when there's no-one around before testing it to extremes. Now you'd never get that opportunity for privacy at Virgin. Someone would DEFINITELY see you....and not laugh, which would be even worse!




The fist time I tried to do sit-ups on one of those ball things I just rolled over it backwards onto the floor and laid there laughing. Everyone else was very polite and didn't laugh.

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Originally posted by nick2

The fist time I tried to do sit-ups on one of those ball things I just rolled over it backwards onto the floor and laid there laughing. Everyone else was very polite and didn't laugh.


As a newbie, I don't find that reassuring........hehe! :suspect:

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Hook, no you don't have to a student to be a member of the Uni gym. If you want you can get a weeks free trial there too.

My problem with that one is that even though the location suits me best, it closes too early on the weekend.


Virgin is the best gym in sheff by some margin. even the restrauant isn't too bad, which is saying something for a gym because they're usually garbage.


I've tried most of them - Esporta, Greens, the Uni, and the unlamented the Cage and Virgin comes out tops. The sauna and jacuzzi area is much better than anywhere else, though Esporta's is good aesthetically with the trains running parallel to the lane swimming.


Also its got an internet cafe, though the computers aren't brilliant. That means I don't really need to have a PC (although I use other public computers, too) so I save on that.

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Yes I go to Virgin but not nearly as much as I should - its very handy to me just down the road so must force myself to get into a habit and go most mornings early - I believe its open from 6:30am weekdays ? dont know the latest times think they changed them...


Yes it has got great facilities and the jacuzzi/spa area is very relaxing - it is just a bit intimidating going on ones own as so big and so much equipment but heartening for a 40 something like me to see all ages there - just a few minor gripes ..


- once the locker swallowed by pound and wouldnt give it back


- the walkway between the changing rooms and the spa area is not well designed its rather narrow next to the swimming pool and possibly dangerous if someone like me who doesnt swim ever slipped in - I note the lifeguard is not always at his perch

- the computers/internet is not worth the hassle as they are half broken already by the kids - i suspect public computers will go the same way as public phoneboxes soon and be obsolete when everyone has broadband ..

- oh and kids thats my other gripe - weekends/bank hols it can be annoyingly full of them running round changing room and spa areas - early morning or mid to late evenings is better to go to avoid them ...

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